Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,59

I’m scared shitless that we’d be separated somehow. That would be worse than death for me. That is my true weakness. They each are my weakness.”

“Your fear isn’t your weakness,” she whispers. “I think it’s your biggest strength. You love them. It isn’t your weakness, Adam. It’s your strength. It keeps you sharp and makes you fierce. It means you’re human and you want to protect what you have. And you know what you have means more than what money can buy…more than what power can own.”

He’d never thought of it that way before but her words sink in deeper than any she’s ever spoken.

The alarm on his phone buzzes and he’s saved by the bell. His thoughts were just beginning to spiral. He sits up in bed and is immediately chilled by her absence at his side.

“It’s time for me to get dressed for this party,” he mumbles.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no!

“Ahh-choo,” she sneezes out even though she tried so hard to suppress it.

“What the fuck?” she hears Tommy from the front seat of the car.

The car comes to a screeching halt and she hears the sound of tires screeching behind them too. Not a second later, the car door swings open and she’s looking up at the gleaming, angry eyes upon Brooks’s face. She turns to look behind her from her crouched position and sees Tommy staring at her with his jaw dropped as well.

“Are you crazy?!” Tommy yells.

“I—I can help!” she squeaks out. “I know the place like the back of my hands. It’ll make the search go faster,” she hurriedly tries to convince them.

“Fuck,” Brooks whispers. “No turning back now,” he grumbles before slamming the car door shut.

He doesn’t get back into the drivers’ seat though. She can only assume by Tommy’s turned head that Brooks is speaking with the car behind them. Two cars, two teams. That’s what she’d heard them plan out earlier as she was sneaking into the back of Brooks’s vehicle.

“At least you’ve dressed the part,” Tommy huffs with a head shake.

All black. That’s how they did it in the few movies she’s watched. She’s never done anything this insane before and that was the only reference she had. She had to work with that.

“You know we’re going to have to tell the Bosses about this right? Someone’s head might roll,” Tommy huffs again.

She hadn’t thought about that. Oh, God. She hopes she hasn’t gotten anyone in trouble.

“If things go smoothly, maybe we don’t have to tell them.” She didn’t even sound convincing to her own ears.

Tommy scoffs as if he’d heard her thoughts.

Brooks gets back into the driver seat, slamming the door again. He takes off immediately.

“You can get up on the seat, Ariana. Just don’t sit up. We’re going back into your city right now and we don’t want you spotted,” Brooks grumbles at her.

“Thank you,” she replies. She isn’t sure why she’s thanking him though. “At least, it’s not dusty up here,” she whispers.

She jolts at the sound of Brooks’s booming laugh. She didn’t even think he heard her AND she’s never heard him laugh like that before.

“He’s lost his shit,” Tommy says from the front seat with a grin of his own.

“I don’t have gloves,” she whispers to Brooks when they finally get inside Don Pietro’s old bedroom. It’s been left as is and no one other than herself, Isabella, and Cristian are allowed in here.

“No need,” Brooks tells her quietly. “Won’t matter if your prints show up if they even check. You’ve been all over this house.”

Well, that makes sense. And it also makes her feel like an idiot. She’s a nervous wreck right now. The jitters have started and she has yet to figure out if it’s from the crazy situation she’s put herself in or if it’s the cravings. Hopefully, not the latter.

“There,” she points to the closet where the safe is hidden.

She follows Brooks inside and as quietly as possible parts the suit jackets hanging up.

“I got it,” Brooks tells her calmly. “Go with Tommy to the office,” he tells her.

She nods at him and quietly walks to Tommy who was waiting by the doorway. He takes her by the hand and gives her an encouraging nod before stepping into the hallway. She points the way for him. Just when his hand is on the doorknob, she holds her breath remembering that it might be locked and she didn’t have the set of keys with her.

When he twists and the door swings

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