Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,47

honesty. Never once did he come to the assumption that she might have fed him wrong information or knew that this was going to happen. Ariana doesn’t have a vindictive bone in her body.

“I know it’s going to be a knee jerk reaction to think that way when there are new men around, Ariana. I can be patient but I give you my word. I will never hand you off or pass you around like you mean nothing.”

What the fuck is he saying?

He doesn’t make promises like this to anyone.

He isn’t in the habit of using women for anything other than pleasure either but this is as close to promising a woman that she’ll be kept by him as it has ever been. Even at their best, he’d never made such a promise to Daisy. He’d made it clear that when she became pregnant, she was nothing more than the baby’s surrogate.

And now? Here he is…saying the words to Ariana. Making promises he intends to keep without a second thought. Yet, he can’t even figure out why.

His mind is a fucking mess. How is it possible that she can stir such chaos inside his head and give him the peace of mind that he craves as well. Fuck mysteries.

He throws the covers back. As much as he wants to end the chaos in his head by sticking his cock deep inside her pretty little mouth, he smacks her on the ass and then rolls out of bed instead.

“Come on. We’re leaving the house. You’ve been cooped up here way too long,” he tells her and makes way to where he’d placed his jacket and watches her sit up in bed.

Her eyes are as wide as saucers and he can feel her vibrating with giddiness.

“I…I can leave the house?” she asks, clenching the blanket up to her chin as if she is trying to hide her excitement.

Her kid-in-a-candy-store excitement makes him smile and might be his new favorite thing.

“Of course you can leave. You’re not a prisoner, Ariana. You never were,” he tells her as he slips into his jacket. He can understand why she might think she was. She’s caged, whether if it’s her choice or not.

“It’s just not recommended that you leave alone,” he adds in.

He gives her ankle a hard yank until both of her legs are hanging off the end of the bed and she’s still trying to gather her wit. But the excitement is still clear across her face.

“Relax and try the ahi,” he prods her.

Not that she was as tense as she was two hours ago when they first left the house and he had taken her around town after realizing that she’s never had a tour of their city before.

After the errands were done, he’d wanted to treat her to lunch outside of the house and brought her to his favorite sushi restaurant. She didn’t need to tell him that she’s never had sushi before. Though she seemed acclimated to the chopsticks, the way she nervously stared at everything he’d ordered was all a tell.

“Which one is that?” she asks nervously, looking from one garnished plate to the next.

He chuckles and then like a teenager with no manners, he claps his hand over his mouth to stop the chuckle from exploding into laughter inside of the crowded restaurant.

It was an unsuccessful attempt. He only laughs harder at the heads and eyes turning in their direction. All while Ariana is flushed as red as the spicy tuna handroll from in front of her.

Once he calms down from his outburst, a grin slowly spreads across her beautiful face. Slowly but surely, she too explodes into laughter until she claps both hands across her mouth to calm down.

He foregoes the chopsticks and picks up the ahi nigiri and shoves it toward her face even as he tries to control his laughter.

She immediately cuts off her laughing and stares at the piece of fresh raw fish suspiciously. She opens her mouth and leans forward slowly, eyeing it the whole time until his impatience shoves it right into her mouth.

She clamps her teeth and lips shut immediately and he watches as she decides whether to chew or not.

“Chew,” he commands with a grin. “Trust me.”

Her bravery shows how quickly she chomps on the fish.

She has him laughing hysterically again until she swallows and gives him the death glower of all death glowers. She doesn’t say a word but her hand immediately shoots up at a passing waitress.

“Chicken teriyaki or

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