Until Autumn - Sheridan Anne Page 0,46

to marry her.”

My gaze snaps down to hers to find her looking back at me with a knowing grin and I realize that there’s no point in lying to her. She can see it just as clearly as I can. I let out a sigh and get back to pushing her through the halls. “Yeah,” I finally tell her. “Just don’t tell your father or your uncles. They’ll never let me live it down. In fact, don’t tell your mom or aunts either. They’ll have the wedding planned and venue booked before I even have a chance to take her on a first date.”

“Okay, I’ll just tell grandma then,” she grins wickedly. My face drains of color and it takes me the whole way until we reach OR4 to realize that the little devil is fucking with me.

Just great.



“What do you think?” I ask, stepping back as I look in the mirror to get the full effect of the gold bodycon midi dress that I’d borrowed off KC over a year ago and never got the chance to wear.

“Well, it’s mine,” KC says with a cocky smirk. “So of course it looks amazing.”

I roll my eyes and groan, turning left and right to see every single angle in the mirror. “Come on,” I whine. “Be serious. Dr. Mayson is going to be here any minute and I want to make it perfect. I only have one shot to win him over.”

“Honestly,” she says, finally taking pity on me. “You look incredible. Any guy would be lucky to be spending their night with you. But for the record, you don’t need to win him over because, from what I’ve heard, he’s already there. The guy is completely smitten by you.”

I let out a huff as I glance over at my phone to where her face is taking up my whole screen. “Are you sure?”

“Definitely. Now, which shoes did you go with?”

I bring my foot up so KC can see it through the phone. “My black fuck-me pumps, but I'm nervous that I'll end up with sore feet.”

“Screw it,” she says. “Risk the sore feet. Those pumps are perfect. You’re going to have him eating out of your palms.”

I grin wide, feeling more alive than ever before, or maybe that’s just what happens when your heart beats so damn fast that you’re edging dangerously close to having a heart attack. Maybe I should check my blood pressure. I’m sure it’s never been this high before.

I take three shaky breaths and fan under my arms as I glance back at KC. “Why am I so sweaty? It's just Dr. Mayson. I see him every day at work. I spend countless hours standing across from him in the OR and working in his office. It’s not like I’ve never met the guy before.”

“You’ll be fine. You’re overthinking it, but a serious question,” KC says, her pause making me whip my gaze back to her with nervous anticipation. “Are you actually going to call him Dr. Mayson all night? Because well, wouldn’t that be weird? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call him by his first name.”

My eyes bug out of my head. “Holy shit. You’re right,” I breathe. “I can’t call him Dr. Mayson on our date, but I’d feel weird calling him by his first name. What am I supposed to do? I’ve always been taught to call a doctor by his title.”

“Well, you could always stick with Dr. Dick,” she says, snorting a laugh. “Though I’m sure when you’re riding him, screaming out his name will come as natural as waking up in the morning.”

I grab my cushion off my bed and launch it at my phone, knocking it over so all that KC sees is my ceiling fan going round and round in circles. “Very mature,” she grumbles.

“Look who’s talking.”

I roll my eyes and move in closer to the mirror, trying to decide if I should go all out and add a bit of lipstick or keep it all-natural. The rest of my makeup is on point, but lipstick has always thrown me. I’ve never really been one to wear it but tonight is a special occasion.

I umm and ahh over it for far too long, and before I know it, a knock sounds at my door. My eyes bug out as I seem to start sweating even more. “Oh, shit,” I panic, rushing over to my phone and scooping it up. “He’s here.”

“You’re going to be fine. Stop

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