Until Autumn - Sheridan Anne Page 0,41

and stand with the stroller, watching over their newborn sister while their momma is busy.

I do everything I can to try and keep the screaming girl as comfortable as possible, despite knowing how much pain she must be in. Guilt soars through me. I’d do absolutely anything to get this sweet child some pain-killers or something to help ease the pain, but all I can do is tell her that she’s going to be okay.

As the two little girls make their way over to stand with the stroller and KC, the massive dog follows them, not comfortable with leaving the girls with a stranger. I can’t help but feel as though this dog is some kind of special. He’s protective, loyal, and extremely well-behaved. If I ever had one, I’d want one like that who will not only be my best friend, but my protector. Hell, if I didn’t have such crazy hours at the hospital, I would have gotten one a long time ago.

The ambulance arrives in record time and within the space of two minutes, the little girl is pushed up into the back while November hovers at the open doors, desperately trying to work out how her big family, dog, and stroller are all going to fit.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” the paramedic says. “We can either take her alone or with you. The rest will have to stay behind.”

November’s eyes bug out of her head. “I ...I …”

She glances back at the rest of her family, having absolutely no idea what to do and hardly able to even think straight when KC places a calming hand on her shoulder. “I live just here,” she says, pointing to the apartment building across the road from the park. “Go with your little girl to the hospital. She needs you. Let me take them. I was just about to get my daughter some lunch anyway. I promise, they’ll be safe with me. I even have a few dog treats left in my cupboard for when my brother brings his dog around.”

Her eyes are wide, glancing between the two options. “Are you sure?” she asks her.

KC nods. “Of course. I would hope that someone else would do the same for me.”

“I’ll be back to get them as soon as I possibly can. Either me or my husband or my mother-in-law or—”

“It’s fine,” KC says. “Go. Get that little girl looked at.”

I nod, encouraging November to go with her daughter. “I can vouch for KC. Your kids are in safe hands. They’ll be well taken care of.”

November takes a shaky breath and grabs her newborn and her diaper bag out of the stroller before going for the back of the ambulance. She looks back at her daughters who stand by KC’s side. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. June needs mommy, okay. You two be brave.”

The two little girls sniffle as the dog steps closer to their side and just like that, November steps up into the back of the ambulance before looking back at me. “Are you coming?” she questions. “Don’t tell me that you’re staying behind. I don’t understand anything the paramedics are saying.”

I nod and hurry into the back of the ambulance. “Of course,” I tell her, remembering damn well that Dr. Mayson said November was family, and for some reason I don’t quite understand, that means from now on, I’ll be treating her as my own.



My phone rings as I try to make it through lunch without being disturbed. I let out a sigh. There’s always someone needing something from me, but as I see Asher’s name flashing across the screen, the annoyance instantly fades away. “Hey man, what’s up?” I say, squishing the phone between my shoulder and ear as I try to finish off my lunch before getting back to work.

“Listen, I know you’re probably busy catching a baby and all that, but I just had a call from November. June broke her arm at the park and they’re on their way to the hospital now.”

“What?” I rush out, throwing myself to my feet and running out through my office door. “Is she okay? What happened?”

“I don’t know. November was in too much of a panic to get out all the details, but apparently, there was a nurse at the park who stayed with her to help, but man, you know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important, but—”

“Say no more. I’m already on my way down to the ER. I’ll clear my schedule.”


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