Until Autumn - Sheridan Anne Page 0,38

of me every time I bring her here. I mean, if you weren’t medically trained, we wouldn’t be here right now.”

I can’t help but laugh, but she has a point. That child of hers is as wild as they come. Screw the Barbies and tea parties, she’ll be asking for a motorbike for her next birthday to send her mother insane with worry. “I’m sure she'll be alright,” I tell her, sipping on my milkshake. “She hasn’t got hurt yet.”

“Yeah,” KC scoffs. “Yet being the keyword. My luck isn’t that good. It’s bound to run out sooner or later.”

“No,” I laugh, watching as Aalia runs back up the stairs of the play equipment, nearly falling on her face in the process and making both of us flinch. “Don’t say that. You’ll jinx yourself.”

KC shakes her head. “Tell me about you. I need to get my mind off it before I go and be one of those helicopter moms and wrap her wild little self from head to toe in bubble wrap. How’s that whole ‘relationship’ thing with Brandon going? Are you still sticking with that?”

My eyes bug out of my head, and instant guilt fires through me. It’s been nearly two weeks since I ended things with Brandon. Has it really been that long since I’ve hung out with KC and dumped all my problems on her? Shit. I’m an awful friend.

A cringe spreads across my face and KC narrows her eyes on me. “What? Spit it out.”

I can’t help but grin back at her. “I’m so sorry,” I say with a laugh. “Don't hate me. I’ve been so crazy busy that it completely slipped my mind.”

“What did?”

“I dumped his sorry ass nearly two weeks ago when he stole my money to buy himself a goddamn PS5.”

Her eyes widen in shock. “What?” she says, her voice coming out as a breathy gasp.

“Yeah, you know the box I keep under my bed for emergencies?” She nods and I go on. “The dickhead was hanging out uninvited in my apartment again and found it. So he took it upon himself to buy a PS5 and then had the nerve to try and rationalize it by saying that it was the birthday present I was going to owe him anyway, so he was technically doing me a favor.”

KC gapes at me as though she can hardly believe what she’s hearing. “Are you kidding me? That’s insane.”

“Tell me about it. I came home that night to find my whole apartment trashed, my fridge completely empty, and that asshole lounging on my couch as though he owned the place. I swear, I kicked his ass out so fast. I was just lucky that Breaker was standing at my door and scared the shit out of him, so he hasn’t tried to bother me yet. Though, it did mean that I got that cash back faster than he’s ever done anything before in his life.”

“Damn straight,” KC grins, holding her hand up for a high-five. “What a loser. I swear, I never liked that guy to start with, but you were adamant that you wanted to give it the old college try.”

“I know,” I groan, wishing I had just listened to my friend in the first place. “That’s what I get for being a lonely bitch with an itch to scratch.”

KC shakes her head. “There’s always my big brother,” she says with a cheesy-as-shit grin, making me roll my eyes. She’s been trying to set me up with the guy since the second we first met, but we’re just friends. It’ll never happen, and besides, I may or may not have a little something with the sexiest doctor alive. “You know Jay has a massive crush on you. You guys would be so adorable together. Not to mention, you’ll make the cutest babies ever.”

I groan. “How many times do I need to tell you that Jay and I are never going to happen? Besides,” I say, slicing my gaze back to the play equipment. “There may or may not be a very attractive doctor who’s currently stealing every last bit of my attention.”

KC sputters over her milkshake. “Excuse me?” she demands, choking on her drink. “Umm … WHAT? When in the ever-loving hell were you going to tell me? Who the hell is this doctor?”

I grin, glancing back at my best friend. “His name is Dr. Mayson and he’s like—”

“DR. FREAKING THORNE MAYSON?” she questions, wide-eyed. “Are you kidding? I know him. He’s only the best

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