Until Autumn - Sheridan Anne Page 0,27

all the time.”

Is she seriously talking about dicks right now? I can’t help but laugh as I look back down at the work. I really don’t have the time to go through all of this. I glance back up at her to find her nervously biting her bottom lip and starting to look a little awkward. I know I shouldn’t ask her this, but I can’t resist. “I might take you up on that offer. Are you sure you’re down for helping? It would have to be after your shifts. Probably a few hours each night.”

She watches me for a brief second, really considering my proposal before finally nodding. “Yeah, I’d love to,” she tells me. “I mean, I don’t know how much help I’ll actually be. I could maybe review them and give my thoughts, then you could correct every little thing I say and re-do it all until it’s shiny and perfect.”

I shake my head, so endeared by everything she has to offer. “Don’t be ridiculous. I reviewed each of your files before being selected for this program. If I didn’t value your opinion, you wouldn’t be here.”

Her eyes seem to shimmer with happiness, and it does all sorts of things to me. “Are you trying to get in my good graces after locking me in that study room?”

“I didn’t realize an arrogant asshole such as myself could be in your good graces,” I throw back at her.

She bites down on her lip, her cheeks instantly flaming with the brightest shade of pink. “I, uh … I need to apologize about my behavior last night. I was so out of line to talk about you like that. I’m also not usually so irresponsible when it comes to drinking, but I’d had a really shitty day, and you know … I’m sorry. I’m just really embarrassed by the whole thing.”

“It’s fine,” I tell her, walking around the side of my desk and placing myself right in front of her. “You were right. I am an arrogant asshole, and watching you write yourself off was entertaining as hell. Yet, for some reason, every insult that came flying out of your mouth was the most refreshing thing I’ve ever heard. You’re the first person in a long time to freely speak your mind. Although, hearing my newest student declaring that my new name is Dr. Dick wasn’t great for my ego, it was definitely a night I won’t forget.”

Her cheeks flush again as she drops her gaze to her hands, showing me that without the liquid courage, she’s not as brave as she wants to be, but that will come. I’ll make sure of it. “You should know that despite what I said, I really do respect you as a doctor.”

“I know,” I tell her, fearing how I’ll ever keep away from her now. “Now get out of here. You have a cesarean to prepare for in an hour.”

Autumn’s eyes bug out of her head, her gaze snapping back to mine. “REALLY?” she screeches, bouncing on her toes, her excitement radiating out of her in waves. “You’re going to let me stand in?”

I nod. “You deserve it today. Go and make sure that you know what you’re doing, and for God’s sake, don’t nearly trip the woman holding the baby this time.”

“I won’t, I promise,” she tells me before flying out of my office, the words, “FUCK YEAH,” echoing down the hallway behind her.



My highlighter glides over another old procedure that seems far too outdated for such a prestigious hospital. I can’t help but glance up through my lashes at the amazing doctor who sits across the office, scanning over everything I’ve circled.

It’s been such an incredible day. The cesarean was an extraordinary success, and just as I have done with everything else, I gaped at the man during the whole procedure.

Seeing a baby being born into this world is the most fascinating and wonderful thing I’ve ever seen. The more I watch Dr. Mayson do it, the more I seem to forget that he’s human. What he’s capable of doing … crap, he’s simply amazing. The fact that he also looks like a God in the process is also a bonus. I don’t think I have ever been so attracted to a man in my life.

I’m in trouble here—big, big trouble. Yet, as I watch him over the top of the massive ‘Policies & Procedures' folder, I can’t seem to force myself to stop. We’ve been locked inside his

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