Until Autumn - Sheridan Anne Page 0,15

feeling my throat burn with my tone. “YOU TOOK MY MONEY. MY FUCKING MONEY. YOU HAD NO RIGHT.”

He looks at me as though he can’t possibly understand what my issue is. “Yeah, we just went over this. You were going to buy me a birthday present, and I took the job out of your hands. What’s the fucking problem? If you wanted to surprise me, it’s fine. I can close my eyes and pretend.”

“There was nearly a thousand dollars in there,” I say, my voice dropping to a low threat. “We’ve been together for like three seconds. I was going to get you some shitty sweater, not a fucking PS5. That was my fucking rent for next month. Do you have any idea what you’ve done? I’m a student living on my own. I can barely get by as it is.”

He gapes at me, completely offended by the shit spurting out of my mouth. “A fucking sweater? That’s what you were going to get me?”

“Yeah,” I grunt, “And you deserve much less. You’re a shitty boyfriend who can’t respect my privacy. I told you not to come into my apartment when I wasn’t here.”

“I’m your fucking boyfriend. I shouldn’t be told when I can and can’t come into your apartment. I have every right to be here.”

‘“THE HELL YOU DO,” I screech, reaching my boiling point. “You have no right to be here right now. Get your things and get out of my apartment, and NEVER COME BACK. I’m so fucking done with you. KC was right, you’re the worst boyfriend I’ve ever had. I’d prefer to date a brick wall. Now get out.”

Brandon clenches his jaw before his hand snakes out and swipes every last thing off my kitchen counter, smashing my cups and plates as food and scraps fly across the room. “This is bullshit,” he roars before storming into the living room and dropping down in front of the PS5. “I’ve done everything for you. I’ve sacrificed so much for you that you don’t even realize.”

“Oh yeah?” I scoff. “Tell me one thing.”

“Molly Davis. I could have fucked her, but I didn’t.”

“Oh, wow. You are such an incredible man. How did I not see that before?” Brandon scoffs in outrage before grabbing the PS5 and attempting to unplug it from my TV. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re not taking that.”

“The hell I am,” he says. “It’s mine. I just bought it. I stood in line for fucking hours to get it.”

“Yeah, with money you stole from me. It’s my PS5, fucker. The only way you’ll be walking out of here with that thing is if you pay me back the money you stole.”

“It was a present.”

“It was not, and you damn well know it. Go and find some other bitch who is going to let you walk all over her because it’s not me. Though, if you’re lucky, you might just find this thing on eBay tomorrow, but I can assure you, you’ll be paying top dollar. Now, get the hell out of my apartment and don’t ever come back. It’s over.”

I walk over to the door and open it wide to find my biker neighbor standing in the hallway, looking as scary as hell with his arms crossed over his chest and a wicked glare across his face. I hold back a smirk. Breaker is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met, but the fact that he’s standing here to get rid of Brandon means the world to me. He’s a widowed classical pianist who moved into the apartment complex around the same time that I did. Somehow, over the past year, he’s become an adoptive father to me, always watching over me like some kind of guardian angel.

Breaker steps into my open doorway and looks through to Brandon. “Is there a problem?” he spits. “The lady asked you to leave.”

Brandon spins around, and the second he gets an eyeful of the imposing man in my doorway, he practically shits his pants. He flies to his feet and starts shaking his head. “No, no. There’s no problem here. I was just leaving.”

Brandon all but runs to the door and flies through it without even a backward glance and gets three steps before my neighbor clears his throat. “Her keys,” he demands, putting his hand out and waiting patiently.

Brandon seems to shrink on the spot before digging in his jeans pocket and finding the key that he’d stolen from my apartment. He walks over

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