Until Alex - J. Nathan Page 0,94

body. He looked more frail and sickly than I recalled. He reached across the table and stole a handful of fries from Hayden’s plate.

“What’s up, man?” Hayden’s words were cautious, almost shaky.

Remy stuffed the fries into his mouth as he lifted his chin to me. “I meant the bitch.”

I answered before Hayden could. “The name’s Alex.”

“Al. Ex.” My name dripped mockingly off his pierced tongue.

Up close, his gaunt face and discolored teeth made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My attention dropped to my salad. If I acted like I wasn’t there, maybe he’d forget I’d spoken.

“So, is this who you replaced me with?” Remy taunted Hayden.

Hayden’s hand found my thigh under the table. “We’re just hanging out. It’s nothing serious.”

My eyes shot up.

A sly smile wet Remy’s lips. “Of course it’s not. Bitches can’t be trusted.”

Hayden’s hand stiffened on my leg.

“Did you hear him?” Remy’s eyes flashed to mine. “It’s not serious. So run along. Me and my boy have things to discuss.”

Hayden’s grip on my leg tightened, an unspoken directive to stay. “Dude. She’s fine.”

Remy’s fiery brown eyes darkened. He looked about ready to jump across the table. Had Hayden never defied his wishes before?

A strange silence fell upon the dining hall.

Had everyone heard what was transpiring in our corner?

My eyes shot around. All eyes were trained on two uniformed police officers crossing the room. Their dull footsteps resounded as they moved closer and closer to our table.

“Remington Tyler.” They stopped behind Remy. “You have the right to remain silent.”

A sadistic smile stretched across Remy’s face as his head whipped around. Only a lunatic would find humor in being arrested in front of a room full of people.

The stocky officer withdrew his handcuffs, taking Remy’s wrists behind his back and pulling him to his feet. The smile never faded from his face as the officer continued reading him his rights.

“Hayden Martin, you have the right—”

My head snapped around, my eyes wide. The second officer stood behind Hayden reading him his rights while placing cuffs on his wrists. Hayden’s head stayed down. He made no attempt to argue. No attempt to ask questions. No attempt to look at me.

“Wait! What’s happening?” I asked frantically.

“Miss, remain seated,” the officer ordered as he yanked Hayden to his feet.

“Hayden,” I pleaded as the officer pushed him along.

Hayden’s eyes remained locked on the tile floor. “Just stay out of it, Alex,” he muttered before being led out of the dining hall alongside Remy for all to see.



The late October breeze carried dry leaves across the quiet parking lot where I sat on the hood of my car. My eyes focused on the front door of the rusted brick sheriff’s office. The same one that hadn’t opened in hours. Darkness had already crept in. Of course it had. Nine hours had lapsed since the police arrested Hayden.

And I’d yet to get any answers.

What could he have possibly done?

Had he even done anything?

I burrowed my fingers into my hair. Ugh. What was taking so long?

At nine forty-five, the door finally swung open. My aunt exited first, followed by Mr. Jacobson, my parents’ lawyer, and then Hayden. His jeans looked slept in, his white T-shirt was a wrinkled mess, and his hair stuck up like he’d run his hands through it a thousand times.

I slid off the hood. My feet barely touched the pavement as I ran to him. I didn’t say a word. I just launched myself into his arms. Thankfully he caught me, only staggering back a couple feet. “Whoa.”

I held on as tightly as I could, burying my face in his neck. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks to you.”

Whatever troubled him and caused his distance over the past two days was forgotten. I squeezed him tighter, never wanting to let go.

Sadly, it wasn’t my call. Hayden lowered me to my feet, grabbing hold of my right hand as he turned to Mr. Jacobson and shook his hand. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate everything you did for me in there.”

“Well, like I said. They had nothing to hold you on, son. Talk about incompetence.”

I gazed up at Hayden’s tired face as he shook my aunt’s hand. “Thanks for being here, Katherine.”

“Oh, honey. I’ve been here since you moved in. You’re just too stubborn to let anyone help you.”

“That’s for sure,” I mumbled.

Hayden shot me a sleepy smile, dropping my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist until I was tucked firmly into his side. “Is it now?”

I nodded.


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