Until Alex - J. Nathan Page 0,7

soccer kicks, garnering grunts and groans as he struggled to shield his body. Knowing Remy, the guy’s noises only added more fuel to his fire.

For me, the sounds elicited an immediate flashback. One so strong it yanked me by the collar and shoved me barreling back to the alley three years ago.

With swollen eyes and a bloody face, the guy writhing on the filthy pavement shielded his head with his arms. I didn’t matter to me. I didn’t ease up my attack. My fists slammed mercilessly into any part of his solid flesh I could get a shot at.

I clenched my throbbing jaw, spitting out a mouthful of blood on the pavement as I stood. He’d gotten in a cheap shot before Remy and I took him down. That rarely happened. The mere thought brought the toe of my boot to the side of his head one last time before his body fell limp.

Remy heaved me back. “Fuck, Hayden. You probably killed him.”

“Get us the money!” Remy’s voice snapped me out of my head and back to the here and now. His tone left no room for confusion. We weren’t leaving until we collected what the guy owed our boss.

Bloody and woozy, he rolled to his knees on the kitchen floor, gasping for breath. Finally, he staggered to his feet.

Prepared for the stunts these deadbeats pulled when they felt desperate, Remy freed his gun from his boot. “Keep your hands where I can see them.” He shoved the gun into the guy’s back as he pushed his beaten body down the dark hallway.

Chances were the guy didn’t have all the money. He wouldn’t have stiffed our boss if he did. But Remy was good at getting some of it, then finding valuables as collateral until the balance got paid.

I leaned against the kitchen counter, giving my body a minute to recover. My chest heaved like I’d run a marathon and a shrill piercing rang in my ears. Nights like these, coupled with my walking nightmares, were taking a toll on my sanity.

I just kept telling myself this job—this life—paid better than any minimum wage job I could get. And since I had bills most guys my age didn’t, and no parents to help out, I couldn’t afford not to help Remy.

But that wasn’t the truth.

The truth was I wanted out. No, I needed out.

But I owed Remy.

I’d always owe him.

Minutes passed before Remy emerged from the room alone.

I followed him outside into the warm night, quickening my pace in case the guy came running after us. It wouldn’t have been the first time. But Remy was in no rush as we crossed the lawn. “You think he called the cops?”

“Nope.” Remy flashed a devious grin. “He’d have a hell of a time calling anyone right about now.”


I padded down the dark hallway en route to the kitchen, careful not to slip on the hardwood floor or wake my aunt who’d fallen asleep on the sofa.

I poured myself a tall glass of water. The cool liquid refreshed my sour mouth, but it didn’t help my insomnia. Nothing did. Twenty years old and dark circles already beset my eyes. Fan-freaking-tastic.

Insomnia for me wasn’t like other people’s. It was self-inflicted. I mean, how could it not be? The second I closed my eyes, my mind whirled like a carousel of memories. Memories I wasn’t ready to revisit. Memories that reminded me I was broken.

And it was all my fault.

I finished my drink and turned back toward my room, considering the next book I’d read. Would it be my favorite Chelsea Fine or the new one by Stephanie Elliot? Before I could decide, a shuffling came from the main hallway.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Pivoting, I tip-toed quickly by my aunt to the front door. I grabbed the handle and pulled it open.

Hayden twisted from his door, catching me in his fierce gaze. His eyes drifted down, sweeping over my pink camisole and white polka-dot shorts. Okay, so maybe whipping open the door hadn’t been a brilliant idea.

“Hey.” Could I get any lamer?

His eyes lifted to mine. But he didn’t say a word. He just turned back to his door and inserted his key into the lock.

I held my tongue. Because the truth was, he owed me nothing. On an exhale, I turned back to my aunt’s apartment.

“You still think I’m some kind of miracle worker?” His sexy raspy voice caught me off guard.

My body stilled. Prior to that moment, he’d said a total

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