Until Alex - J. Nathan Page 0,101

idea, it was their choice. And who’s to say it wouldn’t have happened the next time they boarded the plane? Or the time after that?

Death claimed you when it wanted you.

Alex reached over her shoulder, holding out her hand for me. I took hold of it and let her pull me beside her. She didn’t look up at me. She just stared at the stone. “This is Hayden.”

I grazed her knuckles with my thumb.

“He came along when I least expected him.” She paused. “But I’m pretty sure you guys had a little something to do with that.”

Her words sent a chill coursing through my body. How could she believe there was more to our first encounter than mere coincidence? How could she believe, after I’d spent so long not caring about anyone—not even myself—her parents would send me to her? How could she believe after everything I’d admitted about my past, her parents would see fit for me to love her? I was the last person they’d want their daughter with. How could she not see that?

“Dad, you’d really like him. He loves Pearl Jam just like you.”

No wonder she knew the songs. He must’ve played them around the house like my mother had.

“And Mom, you’d think he was so gorgeous.”

I couldn’t hide my smile.

“He’s got the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. They’re like ice. And he’s got these eyelashes that go on for miles. Oh, and he’s a great kisser.”

I laughed, both in surprise and relief that she could joke at a time like that.

“But seriously, he loves me and treats me the way you’d want me to be treated. I just wish you would’ve had the chance to meet him.”

She paused for a long moment. I wasn’t sure if she needed a moment or was still talking to them privately. But I knew what I needed to do. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.”

Alex peeked up, flashing me a melancholy smile.

“I hope you don’t mind me being here. But I wanted to thank you for sending me your beautiful angel when I needed her so much.”

She squeezed my hand in appreciation, but I wasn’t finished.

“I promise to take care of her for as long as she’ll have me. But between you and me, I don’t plan on ever letting her leave me.”

I knelt down and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. Her body melted into me, her arms slipping around my waist. The tears she’d been holding back finally released.

We didn’t move. We didn’t speak.

Time slipped by and soon the sun ducked behind the trees casting us in shade.

“Have you been to your mother’s grave?”

My stomach turned over. Of all the things she could’ve asked. “Yeah.”

“Do you go often?”

I shrugged. “Sometimes.”

Alex dried her cheeks with the back of her hand. “Does it make you feel better to be there?”

“A little.” Truthfully, anger and regret usually superseded it.

“Did you get your dimples from her?”

I smiled. “Yeah. Hers were even bigger than mine.”

Alex gave a silent laugh. “Can I meet her?”

“Absolutely.” I wanted nothing more than to introduce the two most important women in my life. Too bad only one would be doing the talking.

Alex said nothing on the ride to our next stop. She lay with her head in my lap, while I gently stroked her waves. The quiet hum slipping from her lips indicated she’d fallen asleep. And after the day she’d had, she deserved it.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I slipped it out carefully, managing not to wake her in the process. Galveston Sheriff’s Office lit up the screen.

Apparently, Remy hadn’t made bail. He must’ve been going crazy surrounded by those four walls. But I sent the call to voicemail. I was nowhere near ready to deal with him.

The sun sat lower in the sky by the time we turned into a gated community. My mouth practically hit the floor as we passed mansions of all sizes and designs. I’d only ever seen such wealth when celebrities flaunted their cash on television.

Alex’s affluence suddenly terrified me. I’d become involved with a girl who’d been raised with the finer things in life. That’s all she knew. I barely managed to support myself.

At the end of the road, we turned, making the half-mile trek up the winding private driveway lined with impeccably-manicured trees. At the end, we were met by a circular expanse. In the center sat a water fountain. Of course she had a water fountain. And the water-spouting-statue was another angel.

I glanced to

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