Untamed Delights (The Phoenix Pack #8) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,8

him determined to meet this challenge she presented.

Fighting the urge to tug on one of those unruly curls and then watch it spring back into place, Dominic said, “Come on, you’re not going to make me go home all alone, are you? That’s mean. Or maybe you’re just nervous. What is it, are you a virgin?”

She frowned. “No.”

“Prove it.”

Oh, this guy is pure trouble, Mila thought. Especially since he was stirring the interest of her moody cat—not just sexually, but because the cat sensed there were many facets to this male, and she couldn’t quite understand why he was hiding them. Yeah, Mila herself got the feeling that he wasn’t quite the shameless, shallow flirt he came across as to others.

When he stepped farther into Mila’s personal space, his eyes fixing on her mouth yet again, she knew it was time to go. Bottle of water in hand, Mila slid off the stool and said to Madisyn, “Good luck protecting this one from himself.”

Dominic pushed away from the bar. “You really won’t take me with you? Come on, if you don’t enjoy yourself, well, you’ve only wasted five hours of your life. Eight if you wanna include foreplay.”

Mila snorted. “Sorry, GQ, you’re not my type.”

“GQ?” he echoed. “Why am I not your type?” Dominic was pretty sure no one had ever said that to him before.

“Because I like men. You’re just a little boy.” Mila patted him on the head. “A little boy who comes across as a deceptively harmless flirt so that people label you a player, which makes them think they have you all figured out. But I’ll bet very few people really know you, and I’m sure that suits you just fine.”

A wide smile curved his mouth. “Damn, Mila, where have you been all my life?”

“Exactly where I’ll be during the rest of your days on this earth, sweetie—in your most imaginative dreams.” With that, she turned and walked away.

Trey sidled up to him, oozing amusement. “Crashed and burned.”

“Oh, I like her.” Dante chuckled. “I really, really like her.”

“I think I love her,” said Dominic.

Madisyn snickered. “Give it up, Dom. She’s not a female you’ll be able to charm into bed.”

He frowned. “Why not?”

“Because she’ll want a person with a little more substance. You have substance. You just prefer to keep it hidden.” Madisyn gestured at the rest of the club. “Turn your attention elsewhere. God knows, there are plenty of welcoming smiles being directed your way. That group of girls is still waiting at your table.”

But Dominic didn’t want any of those females. He wanted the little cat who’d done what no other female had ever done—called him on his shit.


As Emmet Pierson sat hemming and hawing at the menu the next afternoon, Dominic exchanged an impatient look with Trey. The human had chosen the restaurant as a meeting place, and it was fairly busy. Servers walked back and forth carrying steaming trays of food to the many booths and tables. It served everything from simple burgers to ethnic-inspired dishes. Music played softly in the background, combining with the sounds of voices murmuring, food sizzling, and silverware clinking. The cool air wafting from the vents eased the warmth coming from the low-hanging lights.

Going by the brittle smile the waitress shot him, Emmet was a regular there and not well liked. Dominic wondered if he was someone who complained a lot or who skimped on the tip.

Dominic sipped his coffee and then set it on the coaster. The human was the only one at the table ordering food. Any other time, the scents of grilled meat, spices, and fragrant steam would have made Dominic’s stomach rumble. But he, Trey, Taryn, and Dante had eaten well before they came.

After finally placing his order, Emmet raised a brow at them. “Are you sure you don’t wish to order anything?”

“No, thanks,” said Taryn while the others shook their heads.

Emmet snapped the menu shut and handed it to the waitress, who then walked off. He adjusted his tie, his eyes on Dominic. “I believe you know my daughter, Rosemary.”

“Vaguely,” Dominic allowed.

“Vaguely,” Emmet echoed, his lips thinning. “She may have mentioned to you that she was married until last year. Her husband of nine years divorced her when she was unable to conceive a child. Bastard,” he added under his breath.

Rosemary had briefly mentioned the divorce, but she hadn’t gone into any detail. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“We have shifter blood in the family. My great-great-grandmother was half shifter. None of

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