An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,8

up to E Deck where she stopped for a quick supper in a dining hall she happened upon, she took a wrong turn trying to find her cabin. While searching for a steward, she rounded a corner and found a 32

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

large common area populated with several employees. The room was well lit, with tables and chairs scattered around, a piano in the corner, comfortable sofas and a large, full bookcase. It would be much easier to sew here than perched on a chair in the tiny cabin with just the one dim light. Bree asked directions to her cabin, fetched the bundle of clothing to be altered and returned to the common room. She chose a table in the corner and set to work.

Not long after, several male employees noticed her and came over to introduce themselves. Bree was polite, but firm.

With the hours of work ahead of her, she had no time to spare parrying extravagant compliments and listening as they touted their various virtues. It took repeated pleas to be left alone, and a promise to visit with them another night, to get them to leave.

As evening aged into night, the room filled with more off-duty employees. The noise level increased, especially after a middle-aged man sat at the piano and played a series of Irving Berlin songs, including Alexander's Rag Time Band.

Lady Rothberry's nephew had pounded out Mr. Berlin's music with gusto the past winter before the grande dame locked the piano.

Tables and chairs were cleared from a large area in the middle of the room and several people paired up and trooped out to dance. A trio of couples showed off their skills at the fox trot, and an amused chuckle burbled from her throat. " A shìorraidh!" Bree stuck herself again with the needle. She sucked on the injured digit, shaking her head at the dancer's enthusiastic gyrations. When the modern dances became 33

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

popular up back home, Lady Rothberry had expressed her disapproval in no uncertain terms, complaining bitterly and often, stating the waltz was the only proper dance for genteel women.

Before she bent back to her sewing, a handsome black pair took the floor and danced a sultry tango. Bree couldn't take her eyes off them as they moved sensuously across the room, and she knew her face flamed by the time the dance ended.

She cleared her throat and quickly turned back to her stitches.

It was late and the room was empty by the time Bree stood and stretched her cramped muscles. She gathered the completed garments and tools and went in search of her cabin. Anne's sleeping form occupied the lower bunk when Bree crept in. The dim light still burned, and she made a mental note to thank her roommate for being so thoughtful.

She struggled to make her bed with as little noise as possible, wishing she'd had the foresight to do it earlier after cracking her head on the low ceiling several times. Bree crawled from corner to corner tucking in the sheets, an unsatisfactory method resulting in wrinkled sheets that probably wouldn't stay where they belonged.

After she dug her nightgown out of the wardrobe as quietly as possible, she wearily climbed the ladder. She pulled the coarse sheets and scratchy blanket up to her chin and got comfortable, then realized with a groan that she'd forgotten to turn out the light. Her jaws popped with a huge yawn, and she decided it wouldn't hurt to leave it on. Bree closed her eyes, her mind roiling with the fantastic changes this 34

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

momentous day brought to her life. "What on earth will tomorrow bring?" she wondered, as sleep overtook her.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 3

Friday, April 12 through Saturday, April 13

A loud bang on the door shocked Bree awake. Anne moaned as she stumbled out of bed below. Bree sat up, catching herself just in time to prevent another headache.

Anne looked up and smiled as she ran fingers through her tousled blonde hair.

"Mornin', Bree. As soon as we're dressed, I'll show you the best dining room. We can have breakfast together. Since I'm assigned to second class, we won't see much of each other during the day. I tried to wait up for you last night but it got so late, and we have to get up early."

Bree waved off the apology. "I'm glad you didn't. I found a nice cozy spot in an employee lounge Copyright 2016 - 2024