An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,4


He inclined his head slightly then headed down the hall before she could say more.

The shiny metal knob turned with a faint squeak. She stepped over a low sill and hoped she wouldn't trip over it every time she went through. Bree inspected her new lodgings. The room was even smaller than her bedroom at the castle, and didn't contain even one of the round windows.

A set of bunk beds nearly filled the wall across from the door.

A built-in wardrobe occupied the space on her right and to the left, a small sink and a table with two wooden chairs. A single light gave off the same wan glow as those in the corridors.

The metal frame shielding the bulb cast a web of shadows.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

She stepped to the wardrobe, her heels echoing against the bare paneled walls, and opened the double doors. One side of the upper hanging section was packed with a jumble of dresses, the lower shelves stuffed with other pieces of clothing. Bree carefully placed her few belongings on the remaining wooden hangers and shelves.

As she slid her empty trunk under the lower bunk next to another battered case, the door squeaked open. She turned as a plump young woman in dark dress and white apron stepped in.

The newcomer was gazing down as she entered and pulled up with a start just before she ran into Bree. "Who're you?"

Her bright blue eyes widened.

Bree bit her lip, uncomfortably shy, realizing she would be living with a total stranger. Having spent her entire life near the cottage or the castle, she'd rarely had the chance to meet a person she didn't know. "My name is Bridget Barry—my family calls me Bree. Mr. Barton hired me as a seamstress. I live in Queensland, or, well, I did. I might not ever go back."

She realized she was babbling.

The girl flashed a wide smile. "I'm Annette Mallory. Anne.

You just get on the ship?"

"Yes, a few moments ago, as a matter of fact. I hope it's all right I put my clothes in the wardrobe?"

"Sure. I'm in the lower bunk, so you'll have to take the upper. The bedding is folded on top. I'm glad to have a roomie. It can get kind of lonely even with all the people around. Come with me, I'll show you the facilities. We're lucky they're down around the corner. Close enough to be 22

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

convenient, but not right next door. I roomed next to them one trip, and I'll tell you, it was the worst. Noisy, and it didn't smell very good either. Of course, that was a different ship.

Maxwell—he's a friend of mine from engineering—he says there'll likely be a lot of little problems to fix since this is the ship's first trip out. I hope it's nothing to do with the toilets."

Anne paused for breath, removed her apron and hung it on one of a row of hooks next to the door.

Bree followed the young woman out into the hall and around a long bulkhead. There were people everywhere. Most were busy and focused on a task, but she saw a few couples or small groups talking and laughing, and assumed they'd finished their shifts for the day. The bathing facilities, one of three on their deck according to Anne, included several private water closets in a long line, with a pair of sinks in the corner. A large mirror occupying most of the wall space reflected tired green eyes, her face even paler than usual. A hallway alongside led to private bathing chambers, each with a large enameled tub.

"You'll have to see how your schedule works out. This place can be a mess at times when there are too many girls trying to get ready at the same time," Anne said, as they headed back to their cabin.

"I can imagine." Bree nodded, trying to envision bathing and dressing with so many strangers nearby.

As they returned to their tiny room, the floor vibrated and Bree heard a dull rumble. They were leaving—no turning back now. Mr. Barton's instructions came back to her. "Anne, can you tell me how to find F Deck?"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"Sure. Go right as you leave then two more rights. You'll see stairs ahead. Go down one level. I don't know where the tailor shop is exactly, but you can ask the deck stewards.

They'll know."

Bree surveyed her suit, which was a tad rumpled. Her own design, it sported an ankle-length slim skirt topped Copyright 2016 - 2024