An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,26

the lower decks and 86

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

there weren't enough boats for everyone. Any hope that Mr.

Chisholm had been wrong was squelched by the sight of so many terrified passengers. Malcolm watched as a young man was shoved and fell. He struggled through the throng and, with savage use of his elbows and a sharp kick or two, forced the mass to move away enough so he could help the frightened boy to his feet. Wild-eyed and pale, his nose bleeding profusely, the young man clutched a bloodied hand to his chest as he looked up at Malcolm.

Malcolm realized the boy wasn't wearing a life vest and helped him into the extra one. Anxious to find his mother and Bree, he said, "Grab on to my coat and hang tight. I'm sure we'll find your family out on the deck." Keeping near the wall, they worked their way down the crowded corridor. His mind roiled with concern for his mother and the seamstress. If only he'd stayed in the cabin, he could have made sure they were safe. Instead, he'd foolishly wasted time hunting for Eldon.

His musings came to an abrupt halt when he stepped out onto the deck. What he beheld took his breath away.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 9

It was bitterly cold. The lifeboat undulated over gently rolling swells a short distance from the foundering ocean liner. Bree shivered.

The crewman in the middle of the boat put the long wooden oars into the oarlocks and rowed away from the ship, each sweep accompanied by a loud creak. The senior crewman sat at the tiller and steered, his hooded eyes fixed on some unknown point on the black horizon.

As they drew farther way, more and more passengers leapt or fell into the water. Cries of distress echoed over the strangely smooth ebon water. Bree could almost smell the fear and despair surrounding her.

"Why aren't we helping? Don't you see that man over there? He's waving. Please turn back!" Bree called to the man at the stern who clutched the long wooden rudder under his arm. His eyes swiveled slowly toward her and glared, then turned away. She begged the crewman on the oars, "Please make him turn. There are people out there! Can't you hear them?"

"We ain't goin' near 'em. They'll swamp us like as not, and I ain't aimin' for a swim. Orders are to get away from the ship so she don't take us down when she goes," the older man rasped.

"But there are people out there and we have plenty of room!" Several other women echoed Bree's cry.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

The man at the rudder spoke loudly. "We ain't goin' back for anyone. My orders are to stand off and wait for rescue.

There are other boats. Let them go back if they want."

Bree pleaded with the other passengers. "We must help them! What if it's your husband or son out there?"

The other women murmured in agreement, calling out to the men to take them back to help.

"Shut up, I said! If you don't shut up right now you'll find yourself in the water with 'em." The tiller man's dark eyes dared the women, especially Bree, to say another word.

"I'll not sit here and let those people die, you cowards!"

Bree cried, furious at their callous behavior.

The older man jerked his chin in her direction. The other crewman dropped the oars and stood, knocking women to the floor in his haste to reach the bow. Before Bree uttered another word, he picked her up and flung her into the water.

The shock was like nothing she'd ever felt—her head exploded in agony. The fur coat pulled her under like a lead weight, its bulk tangling around her legs. Bree swallowed a mouthful of briny water as she tried to kick for the boat, and gagged. The cork-and-canvas life vest tied over the coat bunched under her chin. She fumbled ineffectually at the string ties with numb fingers. Her breath was being crushed from her lungs. She splashed feebly but it was too late. The glacial water closed over her head and, as she slipped beneath the surface, her last vision was the twinkling lights of the doomed ocean liner.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 10

As far as Malcolm could see, people crammed the deck.

Fights were breaking out near the few remaining lifeboats as men tried to get aboard, only to be fought back by crew. A shot rang out from Copyright 2016 - 2024