Unshackle (Deliver #7) - Pam Godwin Page 0,49

was playing a game. For some, it was a game of survival.

“Make a decision.” Marco smoothed a hand down Vera’s arm. “Whose throat will you fuck, John Smith?”

“I thought you didn’t share your sister.”

“I make the rules and change them as I please.”

“You know what I think?” Luke rested a hand on Gina’s lower back. “You’re setting me up.”

She went rigid, and he flattened his palm, waiting for her to feel him, to listen to his touch.

“Setting you up how?” Marco’s face turned to marble.

“You tell me.” He was stalling.

Moving his thumb, he stroked her spine. Tapped. Stroked again. Only Tomas stood behind them. Cameras were there, but to anyone monitoring them, it would just look like nervous fidgeting.

Make a move, Gina.

He circled his thumb, applying pressure, releasing, and tapping again. Sending her a message.

This is your choice.

He could force her to suck his cock. Or he could make her watch him face-fuck her archenemy. If she didn’t give him some sort of signal, he would choose her. Her mouth. Her body. He wanted her heart.

The sickest part of him hoped it would come to that. He wanted to shove himself so deep in her throat that she felt him in her chest. He wanted to lose control in her body, torment her with passion, and wreck her as thoroughly as she was wrecking him.

On the heels of those thoughts, he felt the mission unraveling in his hands. For the life of him, he couldn’t choose Vera. Or his friends. Or their cause. Not this time.

“I’m only interested,” Marco said, “in seeing which mouth you intend to take.”

Luke increased the rhythm of his thumb, silently urging Gina to make a decision. “Maybe I want both. At the same time.”

Both women bristled.

“No-no-no.” Marco wagged a finger, grinning. “That is not the deal.”

“All right.” He dropped his hand from Gina’s back. “I made my decision.”

At the edge of his vision, she flexed her hands into fists and stared at her feet. His neck stiffened as she drew in a breath. Then she turned toward him and slowly moved her arm.

The moment her fingers touched his cock, his pulse burst into a gallop. Blood rushed to his groin, and he swelled, hardened, throbbed.

His desire for her was visceral, but it wasn’t just based in lust. The most benign things set it off. Like the sound of her Rs rolling on her tongue. The intoxicating taste in the air when she yelled in his face. The way her scent carried through his nose and hit his brain with comforting familiarity.

And the feel of her hand curling around his erection through the suit pants.

Her touch wasn’t benign at all. It was detrimental to his job. He wanted this tiny little warrior with a ferocity that felt foreign. Inexplicable. Completely out of his depth.

He gripped her wrist, dislodging her fingers from his leaking dick. But he didn’t let go. Shifting around, he spotted a nearby couch and dragged her there.

“You’re choosing her?” Vera boiled, her voice an octave above horrified.


And she chose me.

Why? He had no idea. Maybe it was to one-up Vera. Or maybe she planned on castrating him with her teeth.

With a furious pivot of heels, Vera spun toward the door.

“You will watch.” Marco caught her hand and pulled her into a chair.

Luke lowered onto the couch and pointed at the cushion beside him. “Kneel.”

Gina looked shell-shocked, uncertain, as if she was only now coming to terms with her decision. But she owned it profoundly, exquisitely, with each knee she set on the couch.

“You should know…” Marco reclined in the chair beside Vera, sitting directly across from him. “When she bites your dick, I’m not calling the doctor.”

“Noted.” He deepened his sprawl on the couch, stretching out his arms and getting comfortable. Then he let his head fall back like a man in control of his universe. “Pull me out.”

Her eyes flashed. “Are you going to give me step-by-step instructions?”

“Do I need to?”

“Shut the fuck up, and you’ll find out.”

That’s my girl.

“She’s going to bite the dick!” Marco roared with laughter and clapped his hands.

Vera scowled, and across the room, Alejandro remained in his chair with a cantina girl perched on his lap.

Tomas’ steady gaze stayed with Luke. A silent, bolstering presence. No one knew him like those among his kindred. United in strife, he and Tomas had been forced to perform sexual acts for an audience during their time in captivity. This was nothing new.

But it felt new as Gina unzipped his fly

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