Unshackle (Deliver #7) - Pam Godwin Page 0,33

long could she hold him like this before he flipped her over and fucked her? If he didn’t do what she expected, could she trust him enough to finish the conversation?

Maybe she wasn’t thinking any of this. She could be lying to him, manipulating him. Working for the cartel. His intuition disagreed, but he couldn’t do this job on gut instinct and emotion. There was too much at stake.

Her fingers twitched against his nape, almost caressing as if seeking the contact. Then she leaned back just enough to search his eyes. Her lips parted to speak, but her voice hid in her throat.

“Tell me.” He kept his expression unreadable and his gaze attentive.

“La Rocha…” She swallowed, her voice barely audible. “They took my mother. She’s a successful actress. Well-known and well-connected.”

“Who is she? Give me her name.”

She clamped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide and head shaking side to side. “Don’t. Not that. I’ll shed every drop of blood in my body before I tell you.” She glanced up around the fold of covers, her gaze on the ceiling. “They might kill me anyway.”

Not on his watch.

He touched her chin, drawing her face back under the sheets. Then he guided her hand to his neck. “Is your mother connected to someone dangerous?”

“Lots of someones.” Her lashes lowered, and her fingers fell away. “I think I can sleep now.”

He missed the warmth of her touch instantly. When she rolled and gave him her back, he missed the feel of her body against his. But he allowed her some space to get comfortable.

Shutting off the TV, he blanketed them in a dark hush and waited.

Soon her breathing slowed into the even rhythm of slumber.

Slowly, careful not to wake her, he curled around her tiny frame, with her back to his front and his arm locked around her like an anchor.

Her chest rose and fell with a shuddering inhale before returning to a soporific tempo. She felt so fragile in his embrace, so sweet and sexy. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing the bare top of a graceful shoulder.

Breathing in the scent of her skin, he ordered his mind to shut off. But he couldn’t sleep.

Minutes blurred into hours, and he lay entwined with a stolen girl while thinking about another one.

Blonde hair. Glassy eyes. Strangling beneath his hand. Squirming. Dying. Unable to gasp. Everything inside him wrangled and twisted anew.

From this night forward, a nameless dead girl would be the only thought he took with him into the hinterland of sleep. She would forever haunt his dreams, breed his nightmares, and admonish him of the decision he’d made.

He would never forget.


She’d been watching him sleep for an hour. Long enough for the first light of dawn to form a glaring halo behind the curtains. His arm lay heavily around her, holding her against his hard chest. It felt horrible.

Horribly safe.

No, not safe. His strange behavior and little mercies were an illusion. A trap. This man had an agenda, one that didn’t include protecting her. Certainly not from himself.

With her face inches from his, she must’ve turned toward him during the night. Toward him. Why would she do that? Even unconscious, she knew better.

Why the fuck was she still in bed with him?

At any point, she could’ve lifted his arm and crept away. For a vigilant, calculating predator, he slept like the dead.

His hair, thick and tousled, glimmered differently in the morning. Metallic lowlights of ruby and brown threaded with strands of copper, creating a tapestry of red hues.

Not a single tattoo on his smooth fair skin, a body hardened to steel, and cold sharp eyes of emerald intelligence, which hadn’t cracked open yet.

Blondish-red fuzz roughened his chest and forearms, just a little. Just enough to remind her of his masculinity.

She didn’t need the reminder.

Last night was seared forever in her memory. The suction of his mouth between her legs. The deep rumble of his American accent in her ear. The taste of his whiskey breath that still lingered on her lips.

I need to get out of here.

Holding in her next inhale, she made her escape. Out from beneath his arm, down to the floor, she crouched low, waiting.

He didn’t stir.

Her muscles protested every movement, stiff and sore, but remarkably better than last night. She scrunched her face, testing other injuries. No swelling that she could tell. No hunger pangs, either. That was a novelty.

His luggage lay open behind her. From the large case, she carefully removed a button-up shirt. No

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