Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,95

me,” he winked.

I paled, a part of me wanting to get mad, but I laughed instead. “Well, aren’t you being quite the naughty boy.”

He chuckled, kissing the side of my mouth.

“Yeah, my naughty side decided to come out to play. I try to keep it on a short leash,” he winked, grinning crookedly at me.

He continued to do his pushups, kissing me periodically.

“I’m getting tired just watching you,” I said.

He chuckled. “How is that possible? I’m doing all the work.”

“And it looks exhausting,” I replied.

“Eh, it’s not that bad,” he chuckled.

“Show off,” I said again, poking the cleft in his stubbled chin.

He surprised me by catching my retreating index finger between his teeth. He lightly bit it before releasing.

“Don’t poke me,” he purred.

I bit my lip. “If you’re doing pushups with me underneath you, what are you going to do with me, when you do sit-ups?”

“Hmmm,” he pondered. “I’ll think of something.”

He finished his pushups, stopping at one hundred and twenty-five.

“Sit up time,” he said rolling over and getting in position. “Maybe you can straddle me?” he winked. “As much as I like being on top, sometimes it’s nice to change up the view.”

“You are soooo,” I drew out the word, “full of it today.”

He grinned, watching me as he did his sit ups. “I like to lighten the mood. I don’t like it when things get so serious between us and we dwell on things we shouldn’t.”

I laughed. “It’s just surprising, seeing this side of you, that’s all.”

“You know I’m just joking, right?” he asked. “Although, I could get used to that view while I work-out.”

“I know, Jared. I’m not as breakable as you think I am, at least, not anymore,” I smiled. I had really changed since Jared came into my life. I wasn’t as easily startled. I laughed and I smiled more. I felt like an entirely different person.

“You’ve really come out of your shell,” he agreed. “I wanted to talk to you about something,” he ceased his sit ups, drawing a leg up and draping his arm over his knee.

“What?” I asked, a bit warily.

“Thanksgiving is next week, I really want you to come with me and Karlie, to Dan and Patsy’s,” he reached for my hand.

“J-Jared, I can’t,” I shook my head. “That would be imposing.”

“Dan and Patsy already told me to invite you before I could even broach the subject. They’d love to get to know you better.” With his free hand he forced my chin up so I had to look him in the eyes. “Please?”

“I don’t know,” I tried to pry my chin from his hand, so I could look away from his intense brown eyes.

“Please, Katy? We all want you there.” A thought seemed to occur to him. “You don’t have to go to your mom’s do you?”

I snorted. “She’ll probably call me the day before, telling me she’s away on some exotic vacation and she promises to be home next year.”

Jared looked at me sadly. “All the more reason for you to celebrate with us.”

I could see I wasn’t going to win this argument with him. “Sure. I’ll go.”

He grinned, licking his lips. “Excellent. Karlie and I will pick you up Thanksgiving morning.”

“What can I bring? I won’t feel right if I don’t bring a dish,” I asked.

Jared snorted. “Trust me, you won’t need to bring anything. Patsy makes enough food to feed a small army. She can’t help herself.”

“Are you sure? I can make something? Or buy something?” I rambled.

He put a finger to my lips. “Don’t worry about it, kitten. Just wear something nice. Patsy likes for us all to dress up.”

“I can do that,” I nodded.

He leaned over, kissing my cheek and then my lips. “Okay, it’s time to get you in the ring.”

“Jared,” I whined as he helped me up. “I don’t want to.”

“Trust me, you’ll love it,” he guided me over to an area beside the ring. He’d already wrapped my hands, but now he handed me a light pair of boxing gloves. “Put those on,” he commanded.

“So bossy,” I smiled, slipping them on.

He grabbed some of those flat cushioned things that I’d seen the coaches put on their hands when they were practicing with their fighters.

Jared climbed into the ring and held the rope up for me.

With a groan, I tossed my leg over and ducked under.

Jared slipped the punching pads on, I guessed that’s what you called them, and said, “Hit them as hard as you can.”

I closed my eyes, steadying myself, and

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