Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,82

the best person to ask,” I said, covering my eyes with my hands as Jared took a hit to the ribs.

“Karlie?” Piper leaned across the bleachers to look at Karlie, who was sitting to my left.

“It’s not weird at all,” she grinned. “I think we can’t help but be turned on by sweaty, half-naked men, growling and being all manly. It’s super hot,” she fanned herself. Paling she looked at Piper and me. “Just don’t tell Jare I said that, he’ll never let me come to a match again.”

“We won’t,” I assured her.

The bell dinged for the one-minute break.

I had sixty seconds to calm my heart. Yeah, that probably wasn’t going to happen.

Dan tossed Jared a bottle of water and started inspecting his ribs. I could see how red they were from here. That couldn’t be good.

I wanted run down the bleachers and examine him for myself.

The bell dinged again.

I covered my eyes. I couldn’t watch.

“Stop covering your eyes,” Karlie scolded.

“I can’t. I hate seeing him get hurt!” I winced when I heard a particularly brutal sounding punch.

“Jared knows what he’s doing. This is his job, Katy,” Karlie assured me.

“I know,” I said.

You’d think I’d be used to this by now, having gone to his fights three times, but my anxiety got worse each time.

Sometimes, I wished Jared had a normal job, but I knew he loved this and what kind of person would I be to not want him to do what he loves.

The break passed and the bell dinged again. I’d kept my eyes covered the whole time.

“Katy, you’ve got to stop freaking out or Jared won’t let you come any more,” Karlie said, soothingly. “He doesn’t want you to worry about him.”

I immediately dropped my hands from my face. I looked down to the ring and saw Jared looking up in the stands at me. When he caught my eye, he grinned, kissing his fingers, he lifted them into the air and pointed at me. “My girl,” he mouthed.

“Jare-bear’s got it bad,” Rollo chuckled.

“Yes, he does,” Karlie, agreed.

I blushed as some of the girls in the stands turned to glare at me. Since they weren’t sure who he’d been pointing at, they ended up glaring at each other.

“If Jared wins this fight, he’ll have to travel for the next one,” Karlie said, twitching in her seat with excitement.

The bell sounded and I sat on my hands to keep them from covering my eyes.

Even from this far away, I could see the determined gleam in Jared’s eyes. He wasn’t going to lose this fight. Whenever Jared got that look, the other guy didn’t stand a chance.

I almost felt bad for the other guy as he tried to block Jared’s blows, but it was much easier to watch him get hurt, than to see Jared injured.

The guy fell to the ground and didn’t get up.

Jared cleared out of the ring and grabbed a towel to wipe his sweaty body.

“Katy!” I heard called behind me.

I hadn’t realized I was moving.

Actually, I was running,

Running down the bleachers and straight into Jared’s arms.

“Hey there, kitten,” he growled in my ear, catching me. “Careful,” he winced when I brushed his side.

“Sorry!” I let go.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he growled huskily, pulling me against his other side. Brushing his nose against my ear, he said, “I told you to be careful, not to let go. I never want you to let go of me, kittycat.”

I blushed at his words, trying to ignore the glares of the girls behind me and the hoots of the guys.

Jared said something to Dan and then whispered in my ear, “Come with me.”

He waved at Rollo, Piper, and Karlie, before leading me out of the gym and down the hallway. He pulled me into the locker room and locked the door behind him.

“Uh- people need to get in, right?” I asked.

“Probably,” Jared grinned. “They’ll just have to wait,” he pressed a kiss to my chin.

My neck arched in response, craving his touch.

I had gone so long, hardly letting anyone touch me, but now, I wanted Jared to touch me all the time. I needed to make sure this was real and his touch assured me of that.

He placed a light kiss on my lips.

“I need to shower,” he hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Wait here… please,” he motioned to the bench in front of the row of lockers.


“It’s okay, Katy. I told Dan you’d be with me. No one’s going to come banging down the door,”

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