Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,74

choose a book and tell me I’m strange,” I winked.

He laughed and rubbed his jaw.

“Okay, look all you want,” he motioned to all the books. “Don’t mind me, I’ll just be standing here.”

I laughed at him. “Yeah, standing there, glaring at me because I peek at the end.”

He threw his head back and laughed, a real belly laugh. “You’re right about that. Here’s a wild idea, don’t peek at the end.”

“But then how will I ever choose a book?” I batted my eyelashes.

Yep, batted them. Who the hell was I?

“Maybe, you should try what normal people do. Pick a book up and read the summary. That’s how most people choose one,” he said, picking up a book and handing it to me.

I read the back and put it down.

I picked up another because I thought it had a really pretty cover. I could feel Jared’s eyes boring into me and resisted the urge to scan the ending. I kept a firm grip on the back and read the summary. It sounded good, so I tucked it under my arm. I still itched to read the ending, but I was afraid Jared might go into cardiac arrest if I did.

My hands twitched as I reached for another book.

Jared’s chuckle filled the small shop. “It’s killing you, not knowing the ending, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” I said, skimming my hand over the various covers. “I’m already living on the edge with you. I might as well be really dangerous and buy a book without knowing how it ends,” I grinned at him.

Jared laughed and the sound sent warm tingles down my spine. I loved it when I made him laugh.

I bought three books, not reading the end on any of them.

We crossed the street and perused some more stores before we both grew hungry.

“This place looks good,” Jared pointed to a small diner.

“Works for me,” I shrugged. “I’m starving.”

We slid into a bright red booth and a waitress appeared with menus. She took our drink order before leaving.

“See anything good?” Jared asked.

“I think I’ll get a turkey club,” I sat the menu down and slid it over to the edge so that the waitress would be able to easily grab it and I wouldn’t have to risk being touched if I handed it to her myself. “What about you?”

Jared continued to scan the menu.

When the waitress came back with drinks, I gave her my order and then we waited on Jared.

I don’t think the girl minded it though. She used the time to shamelessly check him out. Instead of feeling jealous or angry, like most girls would, I felt bad for Jared. Everywhere we went women, of any age, ogled him.

“Um…” Jared said. “I’ll get the specialty burger, no mayo and extra mustard.”

“I’ll put that right in,” the girl said, taking the menus and spinning around. Her skirt flared up, but I guess that’s what she’d been aiming for. Jared was oblivious, though.

“So,” he leaned towards me, close enough that I could see gold flecks in his eyes, “are you enjoying today?”

“Of course,” I said, taking a sip of water.

“Would you be enjoying it if I wasn’t here?” he questioned, tilting his head.

“No,” I answered, honestly.

A smile lit his face. “I’m glad you enjoy my company, kitten.”

I laughed, twirling my straw around the glass, making the ice clink. “I love your company.”

“And why is that, Katy?” he batted his lashes, goading me.

I pretended to think. “I know it has nothing to do with the fact that I love you.”

Jared chuckled, sitting back and brushing a hand over his jaw. “Of course not.”

I shook my head, looking down at the table. “I’m still mystified that I’ve fallen for you.”

Jared snorted. “Why is that so hard to believe?”

“I don’t mean it that way, I just mean… I love you. I really do. I never thought I’d love anyone. In fact, I was convinced that there’s no such thing as true love. How can you care for someone, so unconditionally? It just doesn’t seem possible. I thought love had to be a myth. I had no reason to believe in its truth, until I met you. Jared, not only did you break down all my walls, but you proved everything I believed in wrong.” I wrapped my arms around myself. “I’ve never, in all my life, been so happy to be wrong.”

Jared smiled. “Kitten, I’ll prove you wrong anytime.”

I laughed, drawing random circles on the black, polished, surface of the table. I ran my fingers through my

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