Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,32

tight that you cut off circulation,” he looked at me to make sure I was paying attention. “Some people like to punch with their fingers lined up evenly, while others have their index and middle finger out farther,” he showed me the two different styles. “The choice is up to you. One isn’t going to make you punch better than the other; it’s just a personal preference.”

“Like this?” I held up my fist.

He grinned. “That’s exactly right… Ugh! Of course, Todd would have shown you the proper way to hold your fist.”

I laughed. “Yeah, he did.”

“I don’t know where my brain was at,” he shook his head. “Anyway, give it a go,” he stepped back, leaving me alone beside the punching bag. “Wait- Todd showed you the way to stand too, right?”

“Yes, Jared,” I giggled.

“Sorry,” he said, and I swear he was blushing. “I just don’t want you to get hurt on my watch. Sometimes, the way you stand is just as important as how you punch.”

“I think I’ve got this,” I assured him.

“Have at it, kittycat,” he said, moving behind the punching bag and holding it in place.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I looked at him.

He laughed. “That’s not likely, Katy. I get beat up, daily. If you do manage to hurt me, it will just be another bruise. It’s not a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal to me,” I said, taking my ponytail out and then putting my hair up in a topknot so that it would stay out of my face better.

Jared watched my movement and murmured under his breath, “You’re so beautiful.”

“What?” I snapped my head in his direction.

“You’re beautiful,” he spoke louder.

“I look like a mess,” I pointed to my leggings and loose t-shirt.

“Katy,” he peered at me around the punching bag, “some people need makeup and fancy hairdo’s to look beautiful. You don’t. Everything about you is beautiful, inside and out.”

I blushed. “Um… thank you, Jared.”

“Don’t thank me when I’m only telling the truth. Now come on, kitten, let some of that anger out.”

I smiled and punched the bag, and Jared was right, it felt good, really good.

I punched and punched. I pretended that bag was Preston and that with every punch I was erasing what he did to me.

Tears streamed down my face, but Jared didn’t say anything. I think he knew that I needed this.

Exhausted, I finally collapsed on the gym floor and buried my face in my hands so that Jared wouldn’t have to see me cry anymore.

I could feel Jared standing near me, and then sitting down beside me.

He just sat there, not saying anything, and not trying to touch me.

He would never understand how that simple act, affected me.

Jared saw and understood more about me than I’d care to admit, without me opening up to him. He had X-ray vision when it came to me. For whatever reason, I didn’t care. I wanted him to see me. Not the old me. Not the new me. But the me that I was becoming. I wanted to open up to him. I wanted him to know all my secrets.

Really, I just wanted Jared.


I CONTINUED TO CRY AND JARED SAT, PATIENTLY BESIDE ME. When the tears finally began to subside, he got up and went to a cabinet in the gym, fumbling around.

He sat down beside me and handed me a paper towel.

“Sorry, I know it’s not as good as a tissue, but it’s all I’ve got,” he glanced at me sympathetically. I hated that he was seeing me like this, but he didn’t seem as freaked out as most guys would be.

“Thank you,” I sniffled and wiped my face. “I’m not normally this emotional, I swear. I don’t know the last time I’ve cried this much.”

“Everyone needs a good cry now and then. Even us guys,” he winked.

I laughed and balled the paper towel up in my hand.

“Better?” he asked, and there was genuine concern in his voice. He wasn’t asking, because it was the right thing to do, he was asking because he genuinely wanted to know.

“Yeah, thanks,” I stood and tossed the paper towel in the trashcan. “Well,” I put my hands on my hips. “I think I’ve kept you from your training long enough.”

He chuckled. “You can keep me from my training, anytime.”

I grabbed my purse, “I better be getting home. I have a ton of homework to do. Every time, I think I’m going to get caught up, I get assigned another paper.”

“I would ask you

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