Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,25

was peaceful. I felt peaceful, for the first time in two years. I owed it to him, to see if there was such a thing as fate.

“I won’t run from you,” I said, still looking up at the night sky. “I know you think I will, but I won’t. Whenever I’m around you, I don’t want to run, and I think that’s the reason I do tend to run from you. I’m scared of the unknown; I’m scared of losing my heart to you because I’m afraid it will shatter just like my life has.”

I heard Jared take a shuddering breath from beside me. “Katy, if you give me your heart, I promise to do nothing but protect it.”

I could feel his hand creeping towards me and instead of scooting away, I wrapped my pinky around his.

“I hope so,” I whispered.


JARED PULLED INTO THE DARKENED FIGHT FOR IT PARKING LOT. I grabbed my car keys from my purse, and was about to get out, when he said, “Wait!”

I let go of the car door handle and turned to him. My hair fell forward and I hastily brushed it back.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I don’t like the idea of you driving home alone so late-”

“I’m not going home without my car,” I interrupted.

“I figured as much,” he snorted. “I’d just appreciate it if you’d call me.”

“I don’t have your number,” I stated.

“Exactly,” he grinned.

I sighed and pulled my phone out of my purse. “What’s your number?” I asked. He rattled it off and I entered it in. A second later his phone beeped with a text. With a smile, I said, “And now you have my number.”

He chuckled as I climbed out of the massive vehicle. I closed the door and he rolled the window down.

“Next time, I’ll bring you a step stool,” he chortled.

“Next time?” I put my hands on my hips.

“Oh, there will definitely be a next time, kitten. You already agreed when you said you wouldn’t run,” he winked.

My legs turned to jelly.

“Don’t forget to call me. I’ll worry,” he looked at me, seriously.

“I’ll call,” I whispered and turned to unlock my car. I whipped back around and he froze in the process of raising the window. He pushed the automatic button and it went back down. “Thank you for tonight,” I looked him straight in the eye. “Thank you for making me feel normal.”

“You’re welcome, Katy,” he smiled. “I hope you’ll give me many more opportunities to make you feel normal.”

“Bye,” I waved, awkwardly, before opening my car door.

His laugh filled the air as I closed the door and started the engine. He waited patiently for me to leave first.

He honked his horn lightly, and waved, when we headed in separate directions.

My heart stuttered in my chest and I wondered if it was possible to feel something for Jared so soon, and if I would ever fully be able to let go of my past.


“Jesus Christ! You scared the crap out of me!” I exclaimed, putting my hand over my heart. “What are you guys still doing here?”

Piper and Rollo stared back at me.

“We wanted to hear how your date went!” Piper exclaimed.

“It wasn’t a date,” I answered automatically.

“Who cares,” Rollo grabbed my hand and pulled me into the small living room and down onto the couch. “Tell us about it!”

I told them about the park, the food Jared had brought, the movie, and about the stars. I left out our serious talk.

Rollo’s blue eyes grew wide. “It was definitely a date!” his voice went high-pitched with excitement. “Stop trying to fool us!”

“It-” My phone started ringing. “Shit! I forgot to call Jared and tell him I was home!”

I grabbed my phone and answered. “I’m so, so, so, sorry! I got home and discovered a few unexpected guests.”

Jared chuckled. “It’s okay. I was just worried. I’m a worrier. I think it comes from having to deal with my off-the-wall sister.”

I laughed. “Well, I’m home and I’m sorry for worrying you.”

“No need to call the cops? Are you sure I don’t need to come over and take care of these unexpected guests? You know I will,” said Jared, a small chuckle in his voice.

I giggled. “It’s just Rollo and Piper. I’m fine.”

“Good…” He paused. In a low voice, he said, “Goodnight, kitten.”

“Night,” I whispered and hung up the phone.

Jared had turned my stomach to knots.

Rollo whistled. “Jare-bear is calling to make sure you’re home safe? Phew,” he fanned himself. “I really hope he has a sexy gay brother

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