Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,131

just have to shower you in gifts of swag and signed books!

Thank you, Regina Wamba, for being the best cover designer out there! I stalk my email waiting for emails from you, because I know they’re going to contain something flippin’ Ah-Mazing! You are so incredible at what you do and an amazing person! You always create the most gorgeous covers and I’m always looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!

Thank you to Emily for being the best fan/friend a person could ask for. You’re the best!!!! I swear, one of these days we will meet in person!

Lastly, thank you to all of my fans. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I have no idea what I would do without you guys! Thanks to you, I get to live my dream and that’s not something many people can do! I love getting emails and messages from you, they always put a smile on my face! I can’t express my love and gratitude enough!






I WATCHED FROM A DARKENED CORNER AS JARED and Katy danced on the beach. The sun had set, the stars twinkling above.

They were so happy, neither of them could stop smiling or playing with their wedding bands.

I smiled as I watched them, even though a part of me was dying inside.

Deep down, I knew I would never have the kind of love they did.

No man would look at me the way Jared looked at Katy.

I kicked my foot, dusting sand up around me.

I hated that I was pouting on my brother’s wedding day. The only emotion I should be feeling is happy. I shouldn’t be sulking.

Jared grinned and leaned down to whisper something in Katy’s ear. I saw her cheeks flame before she buried her face in his shoulder.

I took a deep breath.

I needed to get away from the cuteness.

I walked down the beach, the breeze ruffling the dress around my calves.

I found a spot far enough away from the wedding reception, that I didn’t hear the hoopla, but close enough that I could still see the lights and people moving.

I sat down, watching the water climb up the beach before receding away.

Goosebumps broke out across my skin from the cool wind blowing off the water.

I knew I needed to go back. If Jared noticed I was gone, he’d come looking for me, and he needed to spend tonight with his wife, not hunting me down.

With a sigh, I stood, wiping sand from dress, and started back.

I didn’t make it far when a dark figure came bumbling towards me.

I moved out of the man’s way so that he wouldn’t crash into me, but before I could make it past him, he fell.

“Oh my God! Are you okay?” I asked, dropping to my knees.

I got my first good look at the man’s face and gasped, “Holden? Are you okay?”

He groaned, squishing his eyes closed. “Goddammit, even when I’m asleep, I can’t fucking escape you.”

I flinched like he’d slapped me.

Before I could say something, he was speaking again.

“You’re all I fucking think about, Karlie. It’s so wrong, but I can’t stop. I want you.”

I sat there, stunned. I knew he was wasted, that much was obvious, but I never expected any of that.

“Jesus, Holden, even when you’re drunk you’re still full of shit,” I rolled my eyes.

He turned, throwing up in the sand.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the smell.

He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before meeting my gaze with his glassy blue eyes.

“Fuck,” he scrubbed a hand over his face. “Normally when I’m dreaming you’re naked and actually like me,” he smirked.

My jaw dropped open.

“You’re so pretty,” he continued. “But I can’t have you,” he reached out and grabbed a piece of my long hair between his thumb and index finger. “Jared would fucking kill me,” he chuckled. His eyes dropped to my lips. “Do you have any idea how much I want to fuck you, right here on the beach?”

I swallowed, scooting back.

“What the fuck is wrong with me?” he fell onto his back, staring up at the sky. “You’re seventeen, damn it, and I’m twenty-fucking-five. I can’t be having these thoughts about you, but I want you so fucking bad. I guess I really am just as fucked up as my father. He’d be proud if he knew,” Holden chuckled, and then started to dry heave.

I sat there

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