Unraveling (Second Chances) - By Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,123

and Jared’s towels, spreading them out side by side.

Rollo fixed his towel next to mine and immediately sat down.

“I’m going to swim,” Jared said, already pulling his tank off.

I swear I heard a few female gasps when his chest was revealed.

“Don’t let anyone take my spot,” he kissed my cheek before jogging away.

“Never,” I said, even though he was far enough away that he wouldn’t hear.

I sat down, stretching my legs out in front of me. With a deep breath, to renew my bravery, I pulled the sheer cover-up over my head and tucked it into my tote bag before applying sunscreen to the spots I’d missed.

“What did I interrupt?” Rollo asked. I knew he wouldn’t wait long.

“I –uh- I kind of put the moves on Jared. I basically told him I was ready to take the next step,” I blushed, biting down on my lip. Saying the words, out loud, in the daylight, seemed so bold.

Rollo let out a high-pitched shriek. “Ohmigawd! Baby cakes! You’re growing up!”

I laughed. “I don’t call that growing up.”

“It’s progress, Katy! I thought this would never happen for you!”

I lay back on the towel and adjusted my sunglasses. “I didn’t think so either, but when the right person comes along, it changes things.”

“So, you’re really over the whole Preston thing?” His voice grew serious.

I gave a little shrug, propping my head up on my hand to see him better. “I don’t think I’ll ever truly be over it. When something like that happens to a person, it haunts you. You have good days, you have bad days, and you have in-between days. I’ve just decided to stop letting it control my life. I do deserve happiness and love. I thought when Preston raped me that he took something from me, some essential part of my person, but I realized that I’m the one that took it. I killed a part of me, not Preston. I let what happened consume me. I let it shape me as a person and turn me into someone who wasn’t even living. I realize now, that it wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t have prevented it. I’m not dwelling on it anymore, Rollo. I’m going to live my life the way I should, to the fullest. I’m not saying all my hang-ups are just going to disappear, but hopefully, in time, they’ll lessen.”

Rollo sniffled. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that. Hug?” he held his arms open.

I sat up all the way and hugged my best friend. Tears of happiness and relief threatened to fall. When they did, I let them.

Rollo pulled away and took in my tearstained cheeks. He reached up and wiped them away, smiling.

“You’re the bravest girl I know, Katy Grace Spencer,” he hugged me again.

“And you’re the best friend anyone could ever have,” I sobbed. “You’ve been there for me, through everything, even when I tried to push you away.”

“I’ll always be here for you, baby cakes. I’ll never give up on you,” he patted my back.

“Thank you,” I said, putting so much emotion and meaning into those words. I was thanking him for everything, for now, for the past, and for the future.


THE HEAT OF THE SUN WARMED MY SKIN. It was making me sleepy, all I wanted to do was drift off, but Jared wasn’t having it.

“Kitten, come on, the water’s nice and warm,” he begged.

When he used that tone of voice, I was a goner.

“Fine,” I said, letting him pull me up off the towel.

“Thanks, kittycat,” he grinned, pulling me through the warm sand, and to the water’s edge.

The cool water tickled my toes and I shivered in response.

“Come on,” Jared said, pulling me in further. Soon, the water was up to my waist, and just above Jared’s knees. “Ready?” he asked.

“For what?” I asked.

He pulled me under the water.

“Jared!” I screamed as I came up. “That wasn’t nice!”

He chuckled, the water dripping down his body. He looked like a model while I looked like a drowned rat. How was that fair?

He swam into deeper water, expecting me to follow him, which of course, I did.

Jared was able to stand, but I had to tread water.

“Come here,” he crooked a finger at me.

I swam towards him and his arms wrapped around me.

He picked me up, my hands automatically going to his shoulders.

I stared into his eyes, the water dripping from my body, and said, “How did two messed up people, like us, fall in love?”

Without hesitation,

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