Unmade (Unborn #4) - Amber Lynn Natusch Page 0,37

heading above.”

“Why? To tell me something?”

She nodded. Then her suspicious gaze turned to my companion. “Is now a bad time?”

“Not if the matter is urgent,” I replied. “Say what you must in front of Persephone. She is not a threat.”

“Ouch,” the Queen of the Underworld said, feigning affront. “No need to be nasty, Sister. Besides, I have other matters to attend to.” She started down the hall that led to Hecate’s old room and waved over her shoulder. “Do remember what I said. And be sure to report to your father before you leave. He deserves at least that much.”

Aery and I watched Persephone disappear around a bend in the path, her crimson silk robe trailing behind her until it, too, was gone. Once Aery deemed it safe, she drew me in close and whispered in my ear.

“I felt something today. It took me a minute to realize what it was, but when I did, I knew you were in trouble.”

“But I am not,” I replied. “No more so than I was when I left here with my mother.”

“That’s just it!” She grabbed my arms and gripped them tightly, her desperation plain. “You aren’t, and I think I know why.” I stared at her in silence, awaiting further explanation. “I didn’t see something this time—not like I usually do. But I did hear something.”

“What did you hear, Aery?”

She took a deep breath to steady herself, then looked over her shoulder, paranoia settling in.

“I heard him.” When I didn't immediately react, she became agitated and began to fidget with my sleeves. “You know. Him…the one whose name we don’t speak.”

“I know of whom you speak. What I do not know is what you mean by ‘heard him’. Was he in your mind again?” I asked as I pulled free of her grasp and took her head in my hands. “Do you need my help?”

She shook her head against my hold. “No. That’s just it. He’s not in my head. I don’t even think he’s trying to be there. It’s—it’s like there’s an echo or a tether remaining between us, and if I focus on it, his voice grows louder. Closer.”

“But he does not know you are listening?”

“No. At least I don’t think he does, but I can’t be sure, and I’m freaking out because I do not want that fucker in my mind again.”

On that, we agreed.

“Tell me what you heard that had you fleeing my father’s realm to find me.”

Her delicate features paled at my question. “I—I don’t fully know what to make of it, Khara. He sounded crazy, like full-on break with reality. He was rambling, and most of what I heard was utter nonsense. But somewhere in the middle, he started talking to someone like they were there with him. It’s so strange for me to hear things and not have visual cues in my mind to follow, so I’m doing my best here.”

“Just tell me, Aery. I must go soon—”

“He said that he would make you his—that this time would be different.”


“I get the first part, which is creepy enough, but the last bit…I don’t know.”

I took a breath. “I think I do. He means to replace Eos with me. That maybe this time, he will manage not to break his toy when he plays with it.”

Her face went slack. “Oh shit, Khara.”

“Oh shit, indeed.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I know what I have no intention of doing,” I said as I headed back down the hall.

“How can you stop him?”

“That, I do not know. Not yet.” She followed behind me, asking fearful questions as we made our way to the Great Hall. When we arrived, we found ourselves in the presence of Deimos. Aery slammed to a halt behind me as he approached, his expression as dark and menacing as ever. To her credit, she did not run from the one who had tortured and imprisoned her.

“Thank you for letting me know of this, Aery,” I said over my shoulder. “I will send word if I need anything further. And let me know if you hear anything else.”

“All right,” she replied, her calm voice belying the fear I knew she felt. “Tell Kierson I need to see him soon. I miss him.”

The flutter of her delicate wings echoed softly off the stone walls as she took her leave.

“Why are you here?” I asked the god of terror. “Should you not be searching for your brother?”

“I needed to see you—”

“And how did you know I was here?”


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