Unleashing Sin - A. M. Wilson Page 0,64

before closing her eyes again. Her head turning back toward the window sends a sharp pang through me, but it’s quickly soothed by her squeezing my hand.

I break the silence. “Almost there. Do you need to stop for anything?”

“No,” she answers solemnly, not giving more than she has left to give.

“Hang on, blossom,” I urge quietly, beginning to feel sick at the thoughts she’s torturing herself with.

I exit the highway and complete the drive with her dainty hand clamped in mine. I’m not good at this shit. I never was. That’s the entire reason my sister ran away from me and was stolen from my life. Delicacy and tact don’t run through my blood. Even on my best attempts, I still manage to fuck things up. For the first time in my life, I find myself praying it’s not the case here.

I’d give it all to take away the turmoil engulfing my girl. Seeing as I don’t know exactly what’s going on, I can give her my presence. My strength. My hand. And fuck it all, I’ll even give her my heart.

My gut swoops as I park and turn off the vehicle with my left hand, not willing nor able to let her go for that simple task. The silence surrounding us is deafening.

“Are you ready?” I ask somberly.

The subtle shake of her head obliterates my heart. When she faces me, the deadness of her eyes settles in my core.

“Fuck,” I mutter, flinging my seat belt off and yanking her into my arms. “Talk to me,” I demand as I settle her ass against my thighs and her head against my chest.

She shakes her head again and turns her face into my neck.

“I got you. I’m not going anywhere, you hear me? Whatever’s going on inside your head, we’re going to work it out.” I drop a kiss to the crown of her hair. “We, blossom. Not you alone. Never alone.”

Her breath fans rapidly against my neck. “You’ll never look at me the same again.”

“Bullshit,” I growl.

She inhales sharply through her nose. “You can’t say that. You don’t know what’s going to happen in there.”

“Neither do you,” I fire back. “Which is why we gotta bite the bullet and get in there and get it done. You and me, Shelby. Against fuckin’ everything, it’s you and me.”

Finally, something penetrates, and she pulls her face back. Redness rims her eyes, but there’s not a single tear or trail in sight. Strong is an understatement for this woman. Her stare is fierce as her eyes hold mine.

“Don’t leave me alone.”

“I won’t,” I vow.

Together we climb out the driver’s side door and walk into the private practice hand in hand.

The interior looks more like a business office than a doctor’s, but I haven’t been to many, if any, private practices in my life. Two rows of chairs form an ‘L’ shape near the front door with enough seating for six people. The room is hardwood with clean, gray walls and white trimming. It’s all very sterile and clinical. A mahogany receptionist's desk with enough space for one person to sit faces the front door. The woman smiles at us as we enter. She appears grandmotherly and kind with wrinkles from years of smiling and springy gray curls. Her features soften as she takes in Shelby’s nervous energy.

“Welcome! How can I help you?”

I tug Shelby to the desk. “Shelby Sinclair. Appointment at one.”

I feel her body tense behind me, but I ignore her and fix the receptionist with my stare.

“Of course. Dr. Cruz will be right out to see you.”

“Thanks,” I reply curtly and lead Shelby to the chairs.

Our asses have barely touched the seats before a door to the left of the desk opens up, and a woman in a white coat walks out. Her smile is open and inviting. She approaches with an air of caution and professionalism. I’ll have to remember to thank Doc later if we get out of this appointment with some answers. So far, things appear to be on the right track.

“Hello, Shelby.”

We stand as she approaches, and Shelby shakes her hand.

“I’m Dr. Cruz. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to an exam room.”

Shelby spears me a glance that clearly screams come with me. The only thing that’d keep me behind would be her telling me to stay. Fuck that. I lumber slightly ahead of her and follow the doctor through the door. On the other side is a long hallway with two doors on each side

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