Unleashing Sin - A. M. Wilson Page 0,29

how someone could willingly chase that high. There’s nothing that can compare to being held down and shot up against your will. And after those first few times, I’d have given anything, traded anything, my body, my life, for another fix. Nothing compares to that shame. If you cared about your sister for one second, you’d stop it now.”

Finished with her speech, she gives me her back.

Elias grabs the door handle, and I’m too stunned to fucking move.

“You need me, you know how to get in touch.” He closes the door behind them.

It starts as a trickle, my own shame creeping in. Her words are a direct hit. Molly would disown me if she could see me right now. At this moment, I’d take her disowning me if it meant she was alive to see it.

Too bad I know with everything I am that will never happen.

I don’t know why I care so damn much what this bitch thinks of me, but I do. I’ve tried fighting against her words, her looks, her presence, but it’s beginning to be too much. It started as a small tug, and over time has grown into a full-on tether. She moves, and my body wants to follow.

My legs tremble as I force them in the other direction. The crawl up from my knees is near painful, but I do it. It’s not because she tells me to. I don’t do what other people want.

I get up because I can’t sit on the floor all day.

I get up, stalk to the coffee table, grab my stash, and throw it all into the trash because my house is a goddamn mess.

Chapter Eight


The shakes have been going on for hours. They started after the bugs. Every inch of my skin crawls with bugs, and I can’t make it stop. I can’t scratch them away. I can’t wash them away. The shower only brought on the shivering, and I can’t stop that either. I’ve been lying on the floor of the tub for what feels like days. I’m being pelted with ice while at the same time my body is burning. I’m on fire, and the ice has turned into tiny arrows burrowing into my skin. The wetness is my blood. I’m going to die here alone at the bottom of this tub, drowning in my own blood.

Suddenly, the arrows stop. I think I make a noise, but all I hear is the growl of a rabid animal. The cold suddenly turns to hot, and my skin is melting off.


“No,” the animal says.

“Sin, it’s Shelby.”

It growls. I think it’s a bear or a wolf.

“Help me.”

I don’t know if that was the girl or me. Maybe it was the animal.

I’m being moved, half carried half dragged, and the contents of my stomach come rushing up. I retch and dry heave so hard my body trembles, but nothing comes out. Nothing but the sickly yellow bile of someone who hasn’t eaten in days.

“I’ll stay,” someone says.

I want to tell them to go, but my mouth isn’t working. I want to die in peace.


“No,” I mutter, biting back the curse word on my tongue.

“Sin, please, just take a bite. You haven’t eaten for days.”

I cut Shelby a glare. “I wonder why that is.” My teeth chatter, making me draw the S out like a hiss.

Her face pinches in concern. “Are you cold? Let me get you another blanket.”

“Woman!” I bark, stopping her as she stands from the bed. “Just go.”

The expression falls from concern to understanding. “I’m not leaving, so you should stop asking me to.”

“I ain’t askin’.”


“Shelby,” I mock, trying to be a dick. My behavior is cut short by a sharp cramping in my stomach. “Ah, fuck.”

“What is it? Sin!” Her soft voice crescendos with her concern.

“Stop calling me that,” I moan, fighting the urge to curl into a ball. I know it’s the withdrawals and hunger pains. I’m not actually dying even though I’ve felt like it for days. The worst of it is over, so long as I can hold out on the urge to plunge another needle in my vein.

“Then what should I call you?” She sits back down on the bed. Close enough to reach me but far enough away to show she’s still afraid of me. I hope that means she’s learned her lesson.

“Alexander … Alex. Just stop calling me Sin.”

Now, why the fuck did I say that?

My head hits the pillows, and I shift in the bed. I use the movement to

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