The Unkindest Tide (October Daye #13) - Seanan McGuire Page 0,66

growing wearier by the moment. “Dianda’s brother came here to arrest her, which means he came with guards, which means Pete sailed on the next tide. She’s neutral ground. That’s how she keeps herself from needing to face off against Palatyne.”

Palatyne. I seized on the name, demanding, “Why doesn’t she face off against Palatyne?”

“Because we agreed, all of us, to fade back. To let Faerie govern itself in the absence of our parents. We’re not gods. We’re not perfect. Even the sister I can’t name has held by the agreement. She tries to take power whenever she can, but she does it as a part of Faerie, not as something held above it. Pete isn’t going to save you.”

“Then I’ll go to Palatyne,” I said. “If she’s allowing Dianda to be arrested for treason just because I’ve overthrown a couple of monarchs, she’s not a good queen.”

For the first time since this conversation started, the Luidaeg looked almost amused. “Are you really going to stand there and tell me Dianda doesn’t deserve to be punished for spending time in a king-breaker’s company—your company—and say in the same breath that Palatyne isn’t a good queen? Because that sounds like sedition to me.”

I scowled. “That isn’t what I meant.”

“What you mean and what you say should be similar, or you risk people not understanding you.” The Luidaeg sighed. “Look. I know you aren’t trying to be insulting when you challenge me on the things I say, I know you’re just . . . really fucking young by the standards of anyone as old as I am, and you’re trying to make sense of things. I get that, I truly do. But I said I couldn’t help you—any of you—and I can’t lie to anyone except for the Selkies. I. Can’t. Help. You. Whatever happens next is on your shoulders. Figure it out. But know that I won’t allow you to get yourself killed in a stupid way. We have a Convocation to complete.”

She turned and stalked back into her apartment, slamming the door behind her. Silence fell. I knew what I would see when I turned around, and so I didn’t turn around, instead taking a moment to catch my breath.

The silence was broken by the sound of a fist slamming into something solid. There was a horrible cracking sound, like bone giving way. I spun around before I had time to think better of it, and clapped my hands over my mouth when I saw Patrick clutching his right hand against his chest, eyes closed and cheeks red. The table that had been in front of him was on its side. No one else had moved. No one else even seemed to be entirely breathing. Poppy’s wings were moving so fast they were a blur, leaving her hanging a foot off the ground, watching him with bleak dismay.

I lowered my hands. “Did the furniture say something mean about your mother?” I asked.

“My mother is safe at home in Boston, and hasn’t spoken to me in over a century,” said Patrick. His voice was calm and measured, as it almost always was. There was blood coming from between the fingers of his left hand. He’d probably split the skin on several of his knuckles, assuming he hadn’t managed to do something even worse. He chuckled darkly, not opening his eyes. “She didn’t like me marrying a mermaid. Said it was ‘beneath me.’ I suppose that’s something she and Dianda’s family can agree on.”

“Dad,” said Dean desperately. “Please, let me see your hand.”

“Why? It’s only blood. As pure as hers, but that doesn’t matter, because I can’t breathe water, and she can’t be happy on the land.”

“It’s only blood, but if I have to stand here smelling it, I’m not going to be able to get anything done.” I started back toward the group. “Marcia? Did you pack a first aid kit?”

“The Count’s as clumsy as a newborn lamb, so yes, I packed a first aid kit. I don’t go anywhere without one.” Marcia stepped out from behind the tomatoes, looking relieved to have something to do. “I’ll be right back.”

“Great.” I walked toward Patrick, moving slow and careful. He couldn’t see me, but he could hear me, and I didn’t want to startle him. Under the circumstances, it seemed like a very, very bad idea. “Patrick, Marcia’s going to take a look at your hand. You want to sit down while she does it?”

“This was a trap.” He finally opened his eyes, Copyright 2016 - 2024