The Unkindest Tide (October Daye #13) - Seanan McGuire Page 0,59

long and long, but I suppose forgiveness is the thief in the afternoon sometimes, stealing your anger away when you’re not paying attention,” said Poppy. “He looks healthy and seems happy, so all has been forgiven as far as I’m concerned.”

“Did you really give up your home to save Simon?” asked Patrick.

I grimaced and stepped forward, placing a hand on his arm. “That’s a long story, and maybe this isn’t the best time for it,” I said. “I promise, though, I’ll explain everything. I should probably have explained everything a while ago.”

“First, though, the Selkies,” said the Luidaeg, finally inserting herself into the conversation. She focused her attention on Dianda. “Are we going to have a problem?”

“Are you going to turn me into a shadow on the surface of the sea?” asked Dianda.

“I could,” said the Luidaeg. “Was that a request? Or are you asking me not to?”

“I have a husband, two sons, and a Duchy to take care of, so I’d prefer to remain a Merrow, if that’s all right by you,” said Dianda. She took a breath, visibly composing herself. “It is . . . difficult, looking at you, knowing the sea did so poorly by one of its Firstborn that you left us for the land. We don’t have many left to us.”

“Um, Mom?” said Dean.

“In a second, honey,” said Dianda. She kept her eyes on the Luidaeg, wary as a predator whose territory has been invaded. Which, in a way, was exactly the case. “I was raised to worship you, Lady. I was raised to offer you the best part of a kill and the sweetest fruit of the harvest, to do whatever was required to keep your wrath from the tides that rock my people. So please forgive me if I don’t know how to talk to you. You’re . . . daunting.”

“See, this is why I left the sea,” said the Luidaeg, turning to me. “They’re nice people and all, but they can’t forget what I am. They can’t just let me be a monster.”

“I thought you didn’t want to be a monster,” I said.

“Mom,” said Dean.

“It’s not that I want to be a monster, it’s that being a monster means I don’t have to deal with people acting like I hung the moons,” said the Luidaeg. “Who has time for that shit? My parents wanted to be gods. I just wanted not to get slaughtered by my siblings.”

“Mom, please,” said Dean.

Dianda turned to him, scowling. “What is so important that it can’t wait for me to be done talking to the sea witch?”

Dean glanced around, clearly looking for someone to support him. Quentin grimaced and held up his hands: there was no help coming from that quarter. My squire has many excellent qualities, and one of them is knowing when not to get between the temperamental mermaid and her son, even if that son is his current boyfriend. Marcia just looked baffled. The politics of Firstborn and the Undersea were not a part of her daily routine.

“Mom . . .” Dean paused, taking a deep breath, and said, “Amphitrite is here.”

Dianda went still.

“What?” asked Patrick.

“The Merrow Firstborn. Amphitrite. She’s here. On the Duchy of Ships. I think she sort of technically is the Duchy of Ships. She’s the captain. All the ships that sail here sail for her. It’s hers.”

“That’s not possible,” said Dianda. “Duchess . . . I can’t remember her name, but a duchess holds the Duchy of Ships, in the name of Queen Palatyne. Captain Pete sails under her colors, and he’s not the Merrow Firstborn. He can’t be.”

“Have you ever met Captain Pete?” asked the Luidaeg. Her voice was surprisingly kind.

“Once,” said Dianda. She frowned, looking suddenly lost. “There was a storm. Not long after the big earthquake. The Duchy of Ships is anchored in a slice of sea that’s almost a skerry, so it’s in everyone’s waters and no one’s waters at the same time. They managed to dodge the worst of the aftershocks, and they couriered medical supplies and food to the coastal domains. I was still new at being Duchess, but I remember . . . I met him. I know I did. I just can’t remember his face.” She paused, frown becoming a sharp-edged smile. “I remember his nose, though. It crunched so nicely when I punched it.”

“Yeah, so apparently that’s one of the two common reactions Merrow have upon meeting their Firstborn. Either they pass out, which Dean did, or they attack,” I said. Copyright 2016 - 2024