Unhinge - Calia Read Page 0,89

never take them back. “I’m pregnant.”


I frowned. “Are you there?”

“I’m here.” Another pause. “Hold on, let me go somewhere private.”

My left leg started to bob up and down. I couldn’t calm down. I brushed my hands across the beige carpet while telling myself that everything was going to be okay.

It was.

It was.

I heard a door shut, and seconds later Sinclair said: “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I took the first one at Wal-Mart and then ten more when I got home.”

“You took the first test at Wal-Mart?”

“Can we focus on one thing?” I snapped.

“Of course.” Sinclair paused. “You are pregnant.”

I could feel his smile through the phone. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that you having our baby is the best news I could ever hear.”

I laughed nervously. Instinctively, my hand dropped to my waist. His words gave me hope and courage for the future. They made me believe that everything was going to be okay.

With a smile on my face, I picked up one of the many tests. “I still can’t believe it.”

“Neither can I.”

The line was quiet. Both of us were lost in our own thoughts and then he said: “A baby…a baby!”

His happiness made my own grow a thousandfold.

“Thank you for taking this news so well,” I said.

“Did you expect me to be upset?”

“Yes,” I replied truthfully.

“I can’t be upset about this, Victoria. It’s the best news I can imagine. Our lives can really begin.”

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you. Everything is going to be okay. We’ll get through this.”

I believed him because it was the only thing I had left.

January 2015

Thousands of snowflakes danced in the air, softly falling all around me. Very carefully I walked up the pathway, the snow crunching beneath my feet. When I was finally on the porch I took a deep breath and stomped the snow off my shoes. I leaned heavily against the door as I searched for the house key.

Then the door opened and I was yanked inside and pulled flush against Sinclair. I felt every ridge of muscle. The smell of his cologne was all around me. His warm breath caressed my neck.

His lips slammed against mine. The tension eased from my body, and my hands hung limply at my sides. There was an exigency to this kiss. It was frantic and scared. Every slant of his lips, intake of breath, the way his tongue glided against mine revealed that he didn’t want to take a single moment for granted.

Every move he made, I mirrored. We were in perfect harmony.

My fingers gripped him tighter, pulling him closer. Kissing him should be enough. Being in his arms should be enough. But for me it wasn’t and I didn’t know if it ever would be.

So I held him tighter and he kissed me deeper. His hands moved up my body, skimming my ribs, brushing against my bra before they stopped at my neck.

Sinclair pulled away.

“Hi.” His voice was deep and sensuous. It pulled at me, drew me closer, as if an invisible noose were around my neck.

“I need you,” I said against his lips.

He hesitated for just a second. His forehead rested against mine. Neither one of us moved. My breathing increased. I forgot what desire could do to you. It felt like a fire was lit inside me. Flames licked beneath my skin, making me tingle everywhere.

He chuckled and the sound scraped against my skin. It spurred me on and made my body tremble.

“Did you miss me?” he asked.


Behind me was the hallway leading to his bedroom, but it was too far away for me. I think Sinclair felt the same; he guided us toward the couch, sitting down first and pulling me down so I was straddling his lap.

He was under me. This strong man was under me and all mine. It sent a thrill down my spine; it was almost more than I could take.

I tried to make quick work of his clothes but my hands wouldn’t stop shaking.

Sinclair reached out and turned off the lamp. Instantly, we were bathed in darkness. I liked it this way; it made us rely solely on touch and words. Those two things make you work harder but the end result, the way it makes your body come alive, is worth it.

My coat dropped to the floor and my clothes quickly followed. I kicked off my shoes. They hit the floor with a loud thump.

His fingers curved around my hips. My palms slid over his shoulders, down over his back. I memorized every

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