Unhinge - Calia Read Page 0,80

am. Dr. Calloway showed me some more pictures last night.”

Interest lights up his eyes. “What did you remember?”

My head tilts forward. Mere inches separate us. I have to remind myself that we are not alone. “The time when we delivered those flowers for your sister?”

Sinclair turns and smirks. “Of course.” He pauses for a second. “You remember that?”

“I do. I remember running into you at your sister’s store. I remember going to your house….You didn’t expect to see me and I ended up staying the night.” I pause. “Do you remember that?”

Sinclair lowers his glasses and meets my eyes. The force behind his gaze is still as powerful as I remembered. It still makes my brain short-circuit and my breath get stuck in my throat.

“I vividly remember that moment,” he says gruffly.

A hot flush creeps up my neck and across my face. That night runs through my mind in concise flashes: nails digging into his skin. Lips trailing down my body. I shake away the memory before it completely consumes me.

Sinclair’s gaze never wavers from my face and I know the moment is playing in his mind too. “Have you remembered anything else?”

“No.” I exhale loudly. “I’m getting to the end. I can feel it. I’m about to find the truth and I’m scared to see what brought me here.”

I clear my throat, anxious to change the subject. “Seeing what we were and where we are now. Would you…” I stop and start. “Would you do it again?”

“Absolutely. Every single second,” he answers instantly.

“Are you being treated okay here?” Sinclair asks.

“What, in general? Or since the ‘incident’?”


I shrug. “Good, I guess. Everyone’s been looking at me like I’m crazy, though.”

“I don’t think you’re crazy. I’ll never think that no matter what.”

No one has ever said that to me. Ever. Hearing it deflates my anger.

I’m all too aware that Sinclair is mere inches away. A table blocks us but that means nothing. I can still feel him. Smell him.

I know he feels it too.

Just a day ago I felt like I was losing my mind. There’s a good chance I still am but when Sinclair looks at me like that, crazy ebbs away from me and I almost feel human.

My heart starts to beat against my ribs like a drum. It’s the most beautiful sound.

Ignoring everyone around him, Sinclair reaches out. He holds my face so tightly, it’s as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear on him. He pulls me toward him, his eyes bright with need.

Our last kiss was voracious and strong enough to last me a lifetime. This one is slower, but there’s an urgency to it—as if he’s trying to reach inside me and find the person I once was.

I open my mouth farther and Sinclair groans.

Emotions rush through me, powerful enough to take hold of me, controlling each and every action I make.

I no longer feel broken.

I’m bold.

I’m brave.

I’m confident.

Just like my past, this man breathes life into me.

The hands that have been holding my face drift down; his thumbs brush against the base of my throat. Right where my pounding pulse beats. My tongue slides against his expertly, as though we do this every day.

I don’t ever want to lose this feeling again. My hands curl into fists, my nails dig into my skin; I want to reach out. I want to hold him to me. I want to do a lot of things.

But for now, this is enough.

And when he’s not here and his words fade, I have this.

“No kissing,” a nurse bellows. For dramatic effect she claps her hands. My eyes flutter open just as the nurse advances on us. She points at Sinclair. “Out!”

Sinclair doesn’t move. His eyes bore straight into mine. They’re glazed over with lust and I know he didn’t want to stop the kiss anymore than I did. My lungs expand and I greedily suck in all the air I can.

He looks like he has something to say, but that nasty nurse won’t be deterred. “You need to leave now, Mr. Montgomery.”

“Oh, come on!” Reagan bellows. “This is a psych ward, not a church youth group! This is the most action I’ve seen in weeks!”

Very slowly, he stands up. I’m not ready for him to leave so I mirror his movements.

He tucks his hands in his pockets and it looks like he’s going to step away. Before I can think twice I reach out and stop him.

“How can you love someone like me? I’m in a prison for crazy people. I

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