Unexpected Storms (Unexpected #4) - Stacy Eaton Page 0,54

the other side of the turbulence.” I chuckled. “Although Maggie seemed to be the best out of all of us.”

“How did she do with the rest of it?”

“That woman is a freaking trooper. She just kept on going; in fact, she was showing Wyatt up left and right. Every time he whined, she’d jump down his throat and tell him to suck it up and stop whining.”

Jake laughed as someone stepped into the room behind us. “Hey, welcome back,” Alex said as he clapped my back.

“Thanks,” I told him as he took a seat.

“I was just telling Jake how awesome Maggie was. I’m serious; I will travel with that woman anywhere. She’s got bigger balls than most men.”

Alex chuckled. “Probably not a wise thing to say to Greg.”

“Dude, who do you think put that thought into my head. He told me he’s scared of her half the time, and the other half amazed at how she just blazes through. The woman is a tough nut, not just a pretty face.”

“Too bad we don’t have more of those around. We could use a few more tough women,” Jake said.

“You know Alice could give you a run for your money,” I replied, and Jake turned away as if the thought bored him. “I’m serious. You should consider letting her off the desk. I’m sure she would be awesome out in the field. She deserves better than being an administrative assistant.”

“There is no way I would let Alice go overseas. She’d get hurt.”

Alex and I laughed. “You aren’t worried that Maggie will get hurt?”

“She’s got Greg to watch out for her,” he snapped back. “And obviously, you too.”

“You could watch out for Alice.”

Alex shook his head. “Alice doesn’t need either of you to watch out for her.”

“Can we stop talking about Alice?” Jake growled. “She has nothing to do with this. What else happened on the delivery?”

For another few minutes, I shared more of our trip, and then Alice showed up in the office and said she needed to speak with Jake privately. I shot her a wink as I left the office.

A few minutes later, I was being called back to the office again. “What’s up?”

“I need you to handle a situation,” Jake said.

“What situation?” I glanced between Jake and Alice for a moment. She gave me a sly smile that I did not understand in the least bit.

“A friend needs some help with some security.”

“Okay—” I said slowly, waiting for more.

“Get with Mike and go check the place out. They need some specialized cameras.”

“Why do you need me? Can’t Mike do it on his own? He is the tech guy.”

“Because I want you to go too,” he hissed and then glared at Alice for a moment. She smiled sweetly at him, and he rolled his eyes.

“Just go check it out, see what they might need, and get it set up.”

“What is this about? I mean, what’s going on?”

“You’ll find out when you get there. I don’t know the details, and I don’t fucking want to know either.”

“Then why are we doing this?”

“Because I’m doing Alice a favor.” He stared at her, and she widened her smile.

“You can thank me later.” She patted me on the chest as she walked out of the room.

“Thank her later? For what?”

“I don’t know. Just go take care of it, or she’s going to drive me nuts.”

“Alice drives you nuts anyway. The two of you need to sleep together already.”

“I have no desire to sleep with Alice.”

I barked out a laugh. “Yeah, okay, boss. Keep telling yourself that,” I muttered as I left his office.

I grabbed Mike, told him what I knew, which wasn’t much, and then stopped at Alice’s desk. “So, what is going on?”

“I have a friend who needs help. She thinks someone might be sabotaging her business, and she wants cameras installed to watch the employees.”

“Why doesn’t she just hire a security company to do that?”

Alice gave me her signature, aren’t you just so cute and dumb look. “We are a security company. She needs this done quietly, without anyone else knowing.”

“Alright, where are we going?” Mike asked. Alice gave us an address, and we headed out.

“Randolph’s,” Mike said, “huh, fancy place. You ever eaten there?”

“Nah, too rich for my blood. Not the kind of place I go to when I want to kick back. That’s the kind of restaurant you’d go to impress someone.”

“Yeah, no wonder I have never been there. No one to impress.”

I chuckled from behind the wheel. “Yeah, me

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