Unexpected Love (Love Series #4) - Fiona Davenport Page 0,23

over it, was held up by two tiny straps on each shoulder, and hung to just above her knees. Her silky auburn curls floated around her makeup-free face, and her yellow-tipped feet were encased in strappy white sandals. She looked fresh and young, and at the same time, she was the sexiest woman I’d ever seen.

The freedom from holding myself back left me wide open to all the emotions and desires I felt for her, and when I spoke again, I didn’t bother to hide any of it. “Happy birthday, Penelope.” There was a wealth of meaning in those words, and even though she didn’t yet know what they conveyed about this night and the changes about to happen, she seemed to feel the thickness in the air. She looked at me curiously for a moment, then shuffled nervously before she smiled shyly and dropped her gaze to the floor. Those sweet pink spots that I loved appeared, and I swallowed hard as blood pooled in my groin.

“Thank you.” When she lifted her head, she seemed to suddenly notice that I was taking up all her personal space, and she took a step back. My hand snaked around her waist, and I hauled her up against me. I was done with the distance between us. She gasped, and I almost swallowed the sound with my mouth but stopped myself at the last second, knowing we needed to talk before my hunger for her consumed me.

I reluctantly released her body but laced our fingers together and led her over to a loveseat where I gestured for her to sit down. I planted myself next to her and debated settling her on my lap but decided against it. It would only make it harder to keep my hands off her for the time being. “It’s time to make some changes.” I didn’t bother easing into anything. I’d waited long enough.

Penelope’s expression turned wary, and she bit her lip for a moment before asking, “You don’t need me anymore?”

I almost snorted at how completely wrong she was, but I didn’t want her to think I was laughing at her. “The complete opposite, angel. I need all of you.”

Her blue eyes brightened, and a smile curved her pretty lips. “You want me here full-time?”

I nodded. “More than that. You’re moving in.” I probably should have phrased it as a question. Except it wasn’t up for debate, so why pretend?

Her eyebrows shot up, and I waited for her to object—my mind already running through everything I could think of to convince her to stay without being forced to resort to chaining her to our bed. Instead of arguing, however, her smile widened, and she nodded. “Okay.” I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. Was it really going to be this easy?

“I can move this weekend if you’d like me to start right away.”

“Your things are already here and put away, angel.” I smirked and winked at her, completely unapologetic for my actions. “You’ll be staying here tonight.”

Penelope’s gaze fell to her lap, and her blush intensified while her free hand fidgeted with her hair. “What room will—um—where will I be sleeping?”

I gently squeezed her hand before standing up and tugging her onto her feet beside me. Now seemed as good a time as ever... “Come with me.” I mentally grinned, knowing that would not be the last time I uttered those words tonight. We made our way up to the second floor, and I guided her to the room I’d had redone for her.

I set her hand on the doorknob and finally let it go. She nodded and gave me a tremulous smile. “This is great. I’ll be close to Tucker.” The morose tone in her voice confused me until I caught the almost imperceptible look of longing she tossed to the room across the hall. I suppressed a triumphant smile and placed my hand atop hers to help her twist the knob so the door swung open.

Penelope’s face registered shock as her eyes swept over the room, taking it all in. The walls were a soft gray with white molding and a delicate pink border on the top. A large, rectangular window on the back wall was framed with frilly pink curtains that matched the ones surrounding a bassinet made of dark gray wood. The rest of the furniture was also darker gray while the stuff on the walls and the things placed around the room were a mixture of white and

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