Undisclosed Desire - Seven Rue Page 0,40

Wells said, pouring both of us another glass of champagne.

“Thank you for having me over tonight. I’ve had an amazing time so far.”

“Me too. Let’s see where tonight takes us.”

I nodded, unsure of how this night would end.

I wouldn’t turn away from staying here for the night, but I also wouldn’t be upset if we both decided to skip sleeping over.

Chapter Fifteen


Tonight was going great, and I loved every single second of having her close to me.

After I put the plates away and poured ourselves yet another glass of champagne, we sat down on the lounger to get more comfortable.

I pulled the blanket from the couch over our legs to keep us a little warm, but the champagne and her presence did it already for me.

“What’s the funniest thing Ira has ever said?” Rooney asked, leaning against my side and taking a sip of her drink while I put my arm around her shoulders.

I thought about it for a while, then grinned as I remembered a conversation Ira had with a girl.

“We were at the playground one day and I was sitting on a bench next to a teenage girl. She must’ve been around sixteen, looking after a boy Ira’s age. Probably babysitting him. When Ira ran back to me with his new little friend, he greeted the girl and then tilted his head to the side, eyeing her closely. He straight up asked her if she had chickenpox, and then I looked over at her to get a closer look as I didn’t notice what Ira had noticed. But as I looked at the girl, she turned bright red, letting him know that those were pimples. I felt bad because I know how difficult it is for teenagers to have acne, or to try and hide it, and I apologized for Ira putting her on the spot like that and invited her and the boy she was watching to get ice cream. I think that made it better.”

“Oh, no!” Rooney cried. “Poor girl. But it is a little funny. Kids don’t have any filters when they speak, huh?”

I chuckled and nodded. “I’m glad he hasn’t picked up any curse words yet.”

“Will he start kindergarten next year?” she asked.

“Yeah. He’s been asking a lot about it, knowing he can play all day. Not that he’s doing anything other than that already,” I said, chuckling.

“I’m sure he’ll make lots of friends. He’s adorable and sweet.”

I knew that, but it was always nice hearing someone other than my mother say it.

I turned my head to look at her, and after kissing her temple, I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. “I sometimes try to imagine what he’ll be like when he’s eighteen. I’m trying my best to raise him to be a great man, but at the same time I don’t ever want him to grow up.”

Rooney’s hand moved up to my chest and it lingered there as she turned her head to look at me.

“Isn’t watching your children grow the most special thing about being a parent?” she asked.

“Of course it is but I don’t know if I can relive moments I had with Ira in the future.”

Our eyes met, and luckily, she didn’t take that as a hint for her to someday become the mother of my future children.

It didn’t sound too bad, but we were only dating, and talking about having kids together wasn’t a topic I thought anyone should have on their very first, actual date.

“You’re an amazing dad, Wells. As long as you know Ira is happy, I think there’s nothing you have to worry about.”

I smiled at her and gave her a quick nod.

“You’re right. I’m happy he likes you too. He’s never had issues with new people, but he knows this is something different.”

“It is?”

“Yes, Rooney.” I moved my hand from her waist up to her cheek, brushing my thumb along her cheekbone and licking my lips as I looked at hers.

I didn’t feel like talking anymore.

Whatever was happening between us, I needed her to know that I was attracted to her and that I couldn’t keep my distance any longer.

I leaned in and made sure she wasn’t backing away from me, and once I felt her fist my shirt in her hand, I knew she wanted to kiss me as well.

It’s been too damn long since I’ve kissed someone, let alone fucked, but I couldn’t fully take over and had to let her show me how far this could go.

I was

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