Underworld Bride Trials 1 Playboy King - Meg Xuemei X. Page 0,54

and I would deal with the consequences later.

Vibrant life force flowed in my bloodstream in a full spectrum of colors, celebrating that I was letting myself live again and filling me with divinely carnal magic and music and joy.

I swayed my hips, releasing my feminine wiles, and wrapped an arm around Loki’s corded neck.

“That was some dance, Tessa,” he said with a lazy and carnal smile, guiding me back into his arms, and we waltzed again, not missing a beat.

Without warning, a force bumped into us, sending us spinning in a different direction.

I whipped my head around in time to see Marigold and her demigod laughing as they twirled around us on the dance floor after intentionally bumping into Loki.

Loki steadied me and glared at them, a furious expression on his face. “Get off my floor.”

“Be polite, King of Hell,” the demigod said. “You’ll want to leave a good impression, as you have a suitable dancing partner now. Don’t be a brute in front of a lady. And my lamb wants to dance, so she’ll get her dance on any floor in any universe.”

He loved to mess with Loki, just like his mate.

Marigold giggled. “You’ll have to learn to share, Loki, even though it isn’t in your rule book. Oh, also, try not to badmouth me behind my back if you can help it.”

“What did I say this time?” Loki asked indignantly. He wheeled me to the other side to shield me from Marigold and her mate, which was unnecessary.

The pair liked me just fine.

“‘Mari often shoots before asking questions.’” Marigold mimicked in Loki’s voice. “Seriously? That’s how you think of me? I’m not an impulsive college girl anymore. I graduated from Half-Blood Academy two months ago. I’m very mature now.”

“Yeah, so mature that you have to bump me on the dance floor to try and ruin my moment,” Loki said sourly. “That’s all you and your demigods do—spoil my fun at every turn.”

“Sure, we have nothing better to do than ruin your moments,” the death demigod drawled. “If you have those moments.”

“Why did you eavesdrop on my private, sensitive conversation with Tessa?” Loki demanded in displeasure.

“Like spying is anything new to you, Brother Loki?” Marigold asked with a derisive laugh. “Like you don’t do it?”

“You have a spymaster and a whole network of spies on my Earth,” the death demigod complained. It was always a bad idea to talk politics. “My cousins and I are collecting a full list of your agents and are in the process of banishing all of them from Earth for good.”

“You can’t do that!” one of the dukes yelled from the sidelines. “They have diplomatic immunity, as stated in the truce.”

Loki slanted me a look to check whether I had doubts about his character before staring hard at the pair again. While they sparred verbally, all four of us didn’t miss a beat and swayed with the rhythm of the lovely music.

“Don’t stir shit this one night, Mari,” Loki hissed.

“I’m not here to stir shit, but thanks for your unfailing confidence in me,” Marigold said as she and her mate wheeled closer to us again. Loki’s muscles grew tauter, ready to fend off the pair. “I came to invite my new friend Tessa to my grand engagement party next month. I’m going to marry four hot demigods! Can you believe that? But believe it.” Then she shouted at me just to irritate Loki, “Hey Tessa, you can bring any date you want, and it doesn’t have to be Loki.”

The King of the Underworld narrowed his eyes at the Earth Princess with great displeasure.

Mari laughed, the sound like a silver windchime, and turned to her mate. “Be careful, Héctor. Dad said he’d come to inspect the setup of the party and see for himself if it’s up to his standards. He’ll probably throw a fit if his vanity isn’t appeased.”

Héctor nodded grimly. “We’ll throw Axel under the bus if anything goes wrong. He’s the youngest and most immature among the four of us, so he’s supposed to be the screwed-up one. Your dad can rain his wrath down on the war demigod.”

Mari slugged him. “Héctor, I wouldn’t wish that on Axel. He’s my beloved mate too.” She huffed. “We keep talking about being nice, but you still haven’t learned it.”

“If the King of the Titans comes to Earth, it’s going to cause chaos we can’t even imagine,” Loki said, his eyes wide. “And your engagement party could end in disaster that rivals a hurricane.”

“Tell me

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