Undertaking Love Page 0,44

easy leap, out onto the high street beyond. The squeal of tyres and the sickening thud of metal preceded Marla’s scream by mere seconds.

About to call it a night, Gabe sat astride his bike and saw it all happen, so fast that there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to stop it.

The racing green Mini hurtled down the road at some pace; Marla’s big furry guy hadn’t really stood a chance. Not that the driver could have expected a Great Dane to come hurtling into its path, but all the same Gabe was pretty sure that they had been a considerable way over the speed limit.

He was off his bike and running as Marla came flying out into the street, her red hair streaming behind her like a danger flag, tears coursing down her cheeks as she fell to her knees in the pool of blood at the dog’s side. She cradled his big, still head in her lap, unable to look at the mangled mess the car had made of his side.

Marla didn’t register Rupert’s arrival at her side, nor the driver’s door on the green Mini as it creaked open. All she could see was her big beautiful boy. She knew he’d gone. The light had left his gentle eyes.

Gabe looked over in confusion as Melanie staggered from the Mini.

‘Melanie … what were you doing here at this time of night?’

His dazed receptionist was shaking from head to toe. He placed a steadying hand on her shoulder.

‘Are you hurt?’

‘I don’t think so.’ Her lip wobbled. ‘I didn’t see him, Gabe, I swear, I didn’t. He came out of nowhere. One minute the road was empty and the next …’ She waved an arm towards Bluey and tears spilled down her cheeks. Gabe guided her down onto the pavement and grabbed a blanket from the back seat of the Mini to wrap around her shoulders.

‘Sit there for a few minutes and get your breath. I’ll be back soon, okay?’

He rubbed her back for a second to comfort her, then headed back to where Marla still knelt beside Bluey.

Marla ran a hand over Bluey’s matted coat. She felt Rupert pat her shoulder, and accepted the pristine hankie he shoved into her hands.

‘Come on Marla, get up.’

His fingers were firm on her shoulder but she didn’t budge.

‘Sweetheart, please.’ He reached down and attempted to manhandle her onto her feet.

‘Leave her be.’ Gabe’s voice cut through the fog around her as Rupert tried again to haul her up, and once again she resisted his hands.

‘On your feet, Marla, come on. I’m going to call the vet to come and fetch the dog.’

What had started out as a genuine gesture turned into an awkward tussle as Rupert jockeyed for control of her, of the situation.

Gabe stepped forward and placed a hand on Rupert’s arm. ‘I said leave her be.’

‘Fuck off, Ryan.’

‘Have some decency, man. She needs a few minutes.’

A sneer twisted Rupert’s mouth. ‘You think you know everything, don’t you, Ryan?’

Gabe stared at him, disgusted that he’d rather argue over the top of Marla’s head than hold his silence for her sake.

Rupert mistook his silence for acquiesce, and looked back at Marla.

‘Come on now, darling. Stand up. It was only a dog.’

His words had a gunshot effect. Everyone’s head snapped towards him in shock. Even Melanie’s.

Marla hauled herself onto her feet. ‘Go home, Rupert.’

Rupert flinched under her hostile gaze. ‘I’ll go and call a vet for you.’

‘You’ll do no such thing. Just go. And take her with you.’

She jerked her head towards Melanie. It was the first time that she’d even acknowledged the girl was there at all.

‘But …’

‘Rupert, please. If you truly want to help, then just get her out of my sight.’ Marla laid a hand on his chest. She knew him well enough to know that he’d die rather than lose face in front of Gabe, and that alone was her guarantee that he wouldn’t make a scene. She allowed him to pull her into his arms for a second, but his lips landed on her cold cheek as she turned away from his kiss.

‘I’ll call you in the morning,’ he muttered, and with that he swept Melanie into his sports car and away into the night.

An eerie silence settled over the street as the sound of Rupert’s engine faded into the darkness.

‘I’m so sorry about Bluey, Marla. He was a gorgeous guy.’

Her face crumpled with pain, and Gabe did what he knew she needed most at that moment.

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