Undercover Texas - By Robin Perini Page 0,54

was speeding at them much too fast for his aching heart, and not fast enough for their safety.

Annie nodded to Erin. “You’re Marina Grainger, and your son is Brady. It’s best if the new names are similar to your original ones. They’re easier to remember. You’re lucky your son is so young. He won’t have any trouble adjusting.” Annie looked at Erin. “You, however, will have the worst time of it. You’re already fighting this happening. My advice? Don’t think about what you don’t have anymore. Think about what you do have. Not everyone is lucky enough to even get a choice.”

A shadow crossed her face, then vanished as quickly as it had come. Annie jumped off her stool and strode to the table. She shoved several documents in front of each of them and provided two pens.

“Welcome to your new lives.”

Hunter scanned the papers, signed and handed Erin the pen.

“Thanks, Hunter.” Erin took the pen and bent over the documents.

“Don’t forget to use your new names,” Annie said quickly with a knowing glance at them. “It’s the difference between life and death.”

Erin’s hand paused. “Oh, God, I called you Hunter—”

He covered Erin’s hand with his. “It’ll take time, but you can do this. All of it. I know you can.”

Her gaze held his, but tears glistened. She nodded finally, biting her lip while she signed the papers. Hunter followed and stared down at their signatures.

Erin and Brandon Jamison were gone.

Ransom, Marina and Brady Grainger were born.

A family.

A family that never truly had a chance to exist.

Annie slid two more papers between them. “These are the last.”

The divorce decree and custody agreement, granting Marina Grainger sole custodial rights.

The words ricocheted in Hunter’s head. He glanced at Annie. “Are these necessary?”

“Marina needs full custody of Brady. You have to relinquish your rights as a father so she can make all the decisions for your son. There can’t be any questions or any reason to search for Ransom Grainger. Ever.”

Hunter clamped down on his jaw. His neck and shoulder muscles gnarled under the tension. God, the papers were fake; the situation was an elaborate lie, but the loss Hunter felt was devastatingly real. Annie’s works had ripped his heart out.

After signing the first document, he gently chucked Brandon under his chin and stroked Erin’s cheek. Her gaze lifted to Hunter’s, pleading, and she gripped his arm.

When he’d kidnapped her a few days ago, no doubt she would’ve rejoiced if he’d signed over complete custody. He wouldn’t have wanted to, but he still would have signed without hesitation.

Now he’d fallen in love with Erin all over again. She was different than he had imagined. Far more than he’d ever dreamed. She was smarter, braver, more passionate than any woman he’d ever known.

He could never tell her how he felt, though. He’d hold the truth inside him the rest of his life.

As to Brandon, that little boy had wrapped himself around Hunter’s heart. He wanted to see what his son would grow into, what kind of man he would become. Brandon laughed like his mother. He grabbed on to life with both hands and with no fear.

Brandon was the best of both of them combined.

And Hunter would never see him grow up.

Hunter gripped the pen and signed his name to the custodial agreement. This was what he had to do. He had to give them up.

Ransom Grainger’s signature made it official.

He was no longer a father. No longer part of a family that might have been.

A loud beeping noise coming from one of the panels on the wall echoed through the camper. Annie paled, rushed over and flicked on a switch. The streets of Carder, Texas, appeared on the screen. A large black car pulled up in front of the sheriff’s office.

She let out a string of curses. “Let’s finish up. I have to hit the road.”

Hunter grabbed her arm.

She stilled and stared pointedly at his hand. “I don’t think I’d do that, if I were you.”

“Sorry,” he said, releasing her. “Can I help?”

She shook her head. “My story, my life. You just live yours. You’ve got enough going on.”

She finalized the documents, shoved them into an envelope and gave them the thick package. “Passports, birth certificates, driver’s licenses from Montana. Along with the divorce and custody agreements, Marina and Brady should be able to start their new life without any trouble.” Annie glanced at her watch. “Okay, that’s a wrap.”

She opened the trailer door. “We won’t meet again, Ransom and Marina, but I

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