Under a Winter Sky - Jeffe Kennedy Page 0,61

his gaze rapt. “You are,” he said, almost in wonder. “You were always so vivid, so lovely as a girl, but now…” His gaze wandered over her face. “You’re extraordinary. Wise. Magical. Incredibly gorgeous.”

Salena couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t seem to summon any sense. Rhyian’s hands in her hair brought back visceral memories of how he’d made her moan and plead for more, exploring together those first sweet pleasures of the flesh. His mouth shaped the seductive words, tempting her to taste them. She’d been with men since him—a few men, none of them so darkly alluring—and not one had kissed her like Rhyian. Something that had infuriated her. Now, she only craved one more taste. Gently, he tugged her hair, tipping her head back slightly, his expression enthralling as he looked at her.

“I can’t stop looking at you,” he murmured.

He was going to kiss her, and she couldn’t put two thoughts together to decide what that would mean. Just tonight. One night when we forget… She wanted that. “Would you like to see the moon?” she whispered.

“What I would love is to see you in the moonlight,” he purred, stirring that tenderness deep inside her. “Salena, my moon.”

Shivering and steaming at once, she sent a tendril of magic to pull the clouds away, unveiling the crystalline moon. The darkness around them fled, chased by light nearly as bright as day. The enormous moon, crystal clear and luminously silver, hovered just over their heads, seeming close enough to touch. Even Rhyian had no words, staring with a reverence at odds with his usual flippant self. “It’s beautiful,” he breathed, then turned his gaze to hers. “Thank you.”

“Just for us,” she told him. “Just for tonight.”

“Is there no future?” he asked.

She nearly said he’d been the one to decide that, but she didn’t want to lose this moment. “I can only offer you now.”

“I’ll take now.” His eyes, catching the moonlight, glowed from within. Moranu’s dark and silvered fingers loving on her chosen, stirred his gleaming hair, highlighting his gorgeous face. “A kiss?”

“Rhyian…” Her chest felt too tight, her heart too hopeful, too afraid.

“Please,” he murmured, gaze going to her mouth. “One kiss.”

“Yes.” The word escaped her, a plea from the unthinking part of her that yearned for him still, after all this time, against all reason.

“Yes,” he echoed with a crooked smile, once again that sweet-hearted lover of her youth, the one who’d shown her everything of himself with artless honesty.

She’d expected him to swoop in, to seize the kiss, but he moved slowly, one hand in her hair still, cupping her head, the other sliding down her back to embrace and support her. He brushed his lips over hers, a light taste, like butterfly wings, and she almost whimpered in protest at that being all there was to it.

But it was only a beginning. His lips lingered on hers, never breaking contact, gradually deepening and intensifying the kiss, his tongue brushing the tender inside of her upper lip, extracting a bone-deep sigh from her. She clung to his shoulders, but all the rest of her melted, yielding in bliss to the feeling of being against her beloved again. He gathered her up, supporting her with his easy shapeshifter strength, bowing her back over his arm and holding her head as he plundered her mouth. He drank from her like a starving man, and she shuddered in primal need, wanting to give him everything, needing to take everything.

The moon shone with silvery intensity, haloing his dark head, and she dug her fingers through his hair, his body humming against hers like a storm building and about to break. She moaned as his hand left her head to trail down her throat, tracing the curve of her breast and then dipping inside her bodice to brush her nipple. She cried out at the shock of intense pleasure, and he swallowed it, echoing with a low groan of his own. “Salena, my love,” he murmured into her mouth. A sharp and chilly breeze caught his hair, tossing it wildly.

“Oh!” She pushed him away, rapidly restoring the magic to wall out the wind and heat the air around her. Pulling the cloud cover over the moon again, she reinforced the circle of overcast, ensuring clear skies overhead. Fortunately, her work had only frayed a little around the edges. Rhyian still held her in his arms but had his head tipped back to watch the sky, the line of his jaw fine as cut glass, the

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