Under a Winter Sky - Jeffe Kennedy Page 0,125

the Earthsong, she could not even truly sense it, aside from a sort of emptiness where nothing else was. But that was the key to the technique, to braid a chain of energy that wrapped around what she could not see.

It was difficult but invigorating work. She was at it for half the day before falling back into her physical senses, excitement thrumming through her.

“I think I’ve done it!” She opened her eyes, surprised to find Fenix seated right next to her. She grinned at him. “I’ve finished and it’s… Oh it’s magnificent. I can’t believe such a thing is possible. It’s just—” His expression gave her pause. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

For the duration of their short acquaintance, he had generally been cheery and full of mirth. Not taking anything too seriously, except for the incident with the cougar. But now all traces of his signature smirk were missing. He reached up and touched her braided hair, freezing her in place. “It’s wonderful to see such joy is all. You’re so beautiful and even more so when you smile.”

She swallowed and backed out of his reach. Though his face was almost grave, his body began shining bright.

“You cannot really want to stay here,” he said. “Now you’ve completed your father’s task, why would you want to retreat back into the darkness?”

“It’s not all darkness. There’s beauty there too.” Like the waterfall and kissing Ember. Neither of which she’d share with him.

She stood and turned her back to him, her feelings a jumble. There was something intoxicating about Fenix that made it hard to concentrate with all that brightness in her eyes. She didn’t want to be addled, she needed to think clearly. Which was also hard to do when he stared at her like she was some sort of jewel.

She felt him at her back and stiffened. “What do you want?”

“I want you to come with me. Leave the darkness and come out into the air and the sunshine. Explore this world and live under the blue skies every day. Maybe even…”

She looked to the side, sighting him in her periphery. “Maybe what?”

“Maybe I could even take you to my world.”

Shock stole her voice.

“I’m not sure if it’s possible—we’d have to find a way for you to survive the portals, but I’m willing to try.”

She spun around to face him, squaring her shoulders. “Why? Why do you want me to go so badly with you? You hardly know me at all.”

“Because you’re a diamond trapped in a bed of coal. You deserve to shine and let the world see your light. Don’t you know that you’re blinding?” He glowed even brighter as he said this, making her squint. One shining hand rose to stroke her cheek, and the touch was like sparks of energy on her skin.

He leaned in farther like he was going to kiss her, but she slid away from him.

He dimmed somewhat. “I’m not imagining that there is something between us. The way you look at me sometimes.”

Her stomach churned as if cave bees had taken residence within. “You are very interesting to look at.”

He leveled a gaze at her, and she shook her head. “I find you intriguing. You’re different to anyone I’ve ever known. But I don’t want what you want. I want—”

“A people who will only accept you once you reach a set of criteria? Who will never truly see you as one of them?”

“And you think out here would be different for me?” she said with a dry laugh.

“Out here is real; in there is not.”

Once again, his arrogance got her hackles up. “In there is just as real as anywhere else. It’s my home.”

But an ugly thought raised its head. Yesterday, Ember had walked away from her with hope in his eyes. But even if he became chieftain, wouldn’t a woman like Glister be better for him? Someone with a good family with resources and connections?

If Mooriah succeeded in becoming clan shaman, she would have respect and a place in Cavefolk society, but it was not the same as what Glister offered.

As if he saw the doubts in her mind, Fenix came closer. “I know you are thinking about it. I’m not giving up. I will be here, waiting. I know you will change your mind.”

Some of the smugness was back, but underneath she sensed real emotion. She wasn’t sure how much was bravado and how much was sincerity, but her heart hurt for him.

“I don’t want to

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