Under a Sky on Fire - Suzanne Kelman Page 0,87

his shoulder. And as they made their plans, it was as though there was no war on at all. She tried not to think about what it would be like to be back in London, with him in the clouds, fighting the enemy.

Lizzie couldn’t wait to get home and show the girls her ring, and when she walked in the kitchen and thrust her hand out to show them without saying anything, they both squealed with delight.

‘This is so wonderful,’ exclaimed Julia, ‘I’m so happy for you.’

‘Jack is such a lovely man,’ Diana added, ‘and what a beautiful ring.’

‘It was his grandmother’s,’ Lizzie stated proudly as she stretched out her arm and spread her fingers in front of her to admire it herself.

Julia made a cup of tea as they sat around the table, and Lizzie filled them in on how he had proposed to her and the incredible adventure she’d been on.

‘He is such a romantic,’ gushed Julia, and Lizzie caught a shadow pass across Diana’s face.

‘Don’t worry, Diana, you’ll be next. I’m sure Len’s thinking along the same lines.’

Diana shook her head. ‘It’s not that,’ she responded thoughtfully, ‘I was just thinking what I would say if Len did propose.’

Julia, who was placing water in the kettle on the stove, turned to look at her with surprise. ‘I thought you really liked him.’

‘Oh, I do,’ affirmed Diana, ‘I really do like him. In fact, I think I’m in love with him. It’s just that he’s so different from us, from my family, and I just wondered how my parents would feel if I were to marry him. He comes from a really gregarious family, and we’re so quiet. Also, my dad has always wanted me to marry someone close to home in Birmingham, and he’d always had his eye on some chap down the road who was as dull as dirt.

‘But I’d always thought that was how my life would end up too. Me marrying someone down the street at home and seeing my mum and dad every day. But Len loves living here in London, and he has so many friends, and he’s very close to his mother, I’m sure he would want to settle here. I’d just never really given it much thought before, but now, being here and being with him, it’s like a new world has opened up to me about family. I’ve realized how amazing having lots of them can be. But I love my dad, and in some ways I feel if I was to walk away and marry Len, I’d be leaving him behind, and I feel so guilty about that.’

Julia sat down at the table and took her hand. ‘You have to do what’s right for you, Diana, not what’s right for everyone else. Your dad would come round.’

‘I know you’re right,’ said Diana, shaking it off. ‘And, of course, he hasn’t even asked me yet, but it’s just when I think about it, I feel a bit unsure.’

‘I would do anything to have John back right now and wouldn’t let anything or anyone stand in our way,’ sighed Julia wistfully.

‘I’m sorry, Julia,’ said Lizzie. ‘We shouldn’t be talking like this with your husband away. You must be feeling rotten.’

‘Not at all,’ responded Julia. ‘I miss him, of course. But I love the fact that you two are finding love in such a dark time. John has been with me my whole life. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to meet someone at my age. John is all I’ve ever known, and since he went away, it’s been so strange. It’s like half of me is missing, a huge part. We grew up together. As long as I can remember, he’s been there, and it’s like something isn’t right without him by my side. Something is missing. Not just because he’s the love of my life, but because he is part of my history, part of my growing-up years, part of every thought or experience I’ve had, and I can’t imagine my life without him.’

As they sat at the table, Lizzie grabbed both of her friends’ hands and squeezed them, feeling so grateful once again for how close they had become and how much she truly loved them both.

‘John will come home, I will marry Jack and Diana – you will find a way to marry that wonderful kind man. And once this is all over, we will all find a way to be together with the

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