Under His Obsession - A Steamy Workplace Romance - Cathryn Fox Page 0,55

look like a fool.

Bevey laughs again, confirming my suspicions that I do look like an idiot. “That’s what I thought. Girl, the first time you answered that door in that outfit, I knew you were going to give him a run for his money.”

I cover my face. “I can’t believe he makes all his assistants wear such ridiculous outfits.”

“Excuse me?”

I drop my hands at the surprise in her voice. “I said I can’t believe—”

“I know what you said.” Her brow furrows, and she briefly looks down. “Who told you he makes all his assistants wear those outfits?”

“His grandfather, James. He told me Will had a strict dress code and that my closet would be full when I arrived. Why?”

She grins like she’s privy to something I’m not, then lets loose a hoot of laughter. “That old son of a bitch, and two sizes too small at that.”


“Nothing. Ignore me, I’ve had too much sun.”

She turns from me when a shadow falls over our table. “There you are,” Bevey says, and stands to give Will a hug. He sets the drinks down and pulls her into his arms.

After a quick embrace, she says, “I have to get back to my table. Raising good money with my johnnycakes.” She squeezes Will’s hand and gives him a wink. “You take good care of this one, Will.”

He frowns thoughtfully as she leaves. “What was that all about?”

I shrug and my phone rings in my back pocket. I continue to ignore it and take a sip of my drink. “Wow, this is delicious,” I say, and try not to think too hard on what Bevey told me. She can’t be right. Will can’t be happier with me than he was with Naomi, right? He pretty much said he still loves her.

Will takes a bite of the pastry and moans. “You have to try this.” He holds it out to me, and his eyes focus on my mouth as I bite into the pastry. For a second, I can’t breathe or even chew. All I can do is stare back as heat and energy arc between us. My pulse picks up tempo, and I finally manage to chew and swallow.

“You’ve got...” He leans toward me and brushes a crumb from my lip, and before I realize what’s happening, he’s leaning closer, then his mouth is on mine. Tender, exploratory at first, tasting, testing. But when I lean toward him, he deepens the kiss, and his tongue tangles with mine. His hand slides around my head and he grips a fistful of my hair. We exchange hot, hungry kisses born of need and frustration, but he halts abruptly when someone catcalls and tells us to get a room.

He pulls back, and we’re both breathless. Silence falls heavy, our heated gazes locked. I bring my finger to my kiss-swollen lips and touch them lightly, the burning imprint of his mouth still there, ruining me for any other man. I am in so much trouble.

“The rules,” he says, his voice rough and gruff. “We broke rule number five.”

My brain races, spins, and I work to quiet it. “Remember how we replaced your rule for not sleeping with your assistant with ten new rules?”

“Are you suggesting we replace the no-kissing rule with something else?”


“Okay, what do we replace it with?”

“No expectations,” I say. He doesn’t flinch, doesn’t even bat an eyelash. If he wanted more from me, wouldn’t he have reacted? Bevey can’t be right.

“Fine,” he says. He continues to stare at my mouth, and I resist the urge to squirm. What is going through his head? His gaze lifts slowly, and as the black in his eyes bleed into the blue he asks, “Want to get out of here?”

Before I can answer, he’s standing and taking my hand. People blur around me as he quickly guides me through the crowd, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him so intense before. We get in his car, and less than ten minutes later, we’re entering his villa. As soon as I step through the door, he locks it and pushes me against it.

“This mouth,” he says, and runs his thumb over my still kiss-swollen bottom lip. “It’s been making me crazy. I’ve wanted to taste you for so damn long now.”

“Why didn’t you?”


“Right,” I say, barely able to fill my lungs as his entire focus falls to my mouth. Adoration, affection, worship dance in his eyes, and my heart crashes harder against my chest. I swipe my tongue over my

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