Under the Billionaire's Shelter - Jamie Knight Page 0,14


“I prefer the bike,” I told her. “But I also have this. I have lots of toys. I’m a billionaire.”

The look of shock on her face was priceless, and matched only by the look of surprised happiness on Brigid’s.

Chapter Eight - Brigid

The deceptively large trunk space was more than enough to fit all our stuff. Polly - from her built-in car seat - and I waved to a stunned Meegan through the frosted blue windows as Leif pulled away from the curb.

“Weeee!” Polly declared gleefully from the back.

“I think she approves,” I said.

I wasn’t really sure how to react myself. We sat mostly in silence as he drove us a long ways out from the city. Eventually, of course, we reached our destination.

The gates served as a clue. Eleven feet high and flanked by guardian berserkers, or at least stone carvings of such, set into the top of the stone wall on either side.

The house, a mansion really, was so big that I could see it a good fifteen minutes before we arrived, still with miles of property to go over first.

The car pulled up into a custom-built shelter mere steps from the front door. We were barely out before a troupe of footmen came out and started unloading the back, marching two by two up the impressive marble steps.

By the time we had ourselves gotten into the house they had disappeared, along with our things. I was struck by an irrational pang of worry.

“They are in your rooms unpacking,” Leif said.

“I thought I would be you, know, with you.”

“Oh, you are. I also set up a nursery for Polly. I figured she would want her own bed. Please, make yourself at home.”

I sat on the first couch I came to, trying to convince myself that this was all real and not some kind of beautiful dream.


“I got lucky,” Leif said, sitting down next to us.

“On the lottery?”

“Oh, no, every cent was earned. I’ve always been good with computers, and I happened to graduate from M.I.T. just when a master’s degree in computer engineering would be most relevant. I started a company that wrote security software, using other white hat hackers to ensure the strength of the programming, and it just grew from there.”

“You’re a hacker?”

“I was, only gray hat, though. Went by the name LOKI. Master of mischief. Silly pranks really, like creating parodies of white supremacists. Like instead of White Internet Nationalists we would make it Weird Introverted Nerds, though their homepage looked identical, right down to the font on the initials.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but it sure sounded impressive.

“Wow, so you really are a billionaire.”

“Yes, but usually I try not to make a big deal of it.”

The footmen trooped back down the stairs in perfect unison, before disappearing down into the basement. As though on cue, Polly yawned wide. I wasn’t surprised. She’d had a big day.

“Sleepy, ladybug?”

Polly nodded quickly, too tired to respond. I stood slowly, Polly laying her head on my chest.

“I’ll show you to the nursery,” Leif said.


It was lovely. Polly’s old toys were mixed in with new ones Leif must have bought. Her crib, an ancient-looking mobile hanging over it, was at the center. Polly was fast asleep by the time I lay her down in it.

I wasn’t sure what was happening at first. I had been waiting so long for Leif to touch me, it didn’t quite register when it finally happened. I felt a hand lovingly squeeze my ass.

“Want to see our room?”

“Yes sir,” I whispered, my submissive side coming out in full force.

It was as big as the entire house Meegan and I grew up in. He had decorated it with tasteful, earlier-century reliefs and antique furniture. Murals of scenes from Norse mythology were painted on the walls in photo-realistic detail. Everything was centered around the Edwardian four-poster bed, complete with curtains, that was set in the middle of the huge room.

Swooping me up into his strong arms, Leif carried me over to the bed, kissing me passionately as we went. Having been set down on my feet, I stood still as he gently undressed me until I was naked and vulnerable before him.

He started with my cheeks. His hands ran over my entire body, getting to know every inch of me, his tongue following close behind. Eventually, his erotic sojourn ended when he came to my pussy, already damp and pink with excitement at the very thought of his touch.

Tenderly spreading my silken lips with

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