The Ultimate Betrayal - Kat Martin Page 0,98

protection!” Bran shouted. “Call Ty, Jessie! Ask him to get Colt Wheeler down here!”

For an instant, she was afraid Bran would fight, but even for him, escaping a military base wouldn’t be easy, and it would make the situation far worse. The door slammed as the soldiers hauled him out of the office and down the hall.

Jessie was shaking when Larkin’s attention returned to her, a dark scowl on his face. “A decorated officer having a relative in prison is hardly grounds for those sorts of wild accusations.”

“I—I can prove it, sir. But I need to have my father’s body exhumed. Please, Colonel. Brandon Garrett is innocent. Holloway is the man you want.”

Thomas spoke up. “Under the circumstances, I don’t believe what Ms. Kegan is asking is unreasonable, Colonel.”

Larkin’s gaze remained on Jessie.

“Please, Colonel.”

“All right. Request granted.”

“There’s one more thing,” she said, fighting to keep her voice from shaking. “Two people involved in this were murdered while they were locked in an army prison cell—my father and a man named Wayne Conrad Coffman. Special Agent Tripp can verify Coffman’s death. There’s a chance the men responsible will come after Brandon, too. I beg you to release him into Major Anson’s custody and give us the time we need to prove our claims.”

“Ms. Kegan is right about Coffman,” Special Agent Tripp said. “He was murdered in his cell. His death is currently under investigation.”

The light reflected on Larkin’s thick silver hair as he shook his head. “I’m sorry. At this juncture there is no connection between Coffman’s death and anything else. Without proof, there’s nothing I can do.”

His features softened as he looked into Jessie’s terrified face. “However. If the autopsy uncovers proof that your father was indeed murdered, I’ll reconsider my decision.”

“Thank you, sir,” Thomas said. He gave a smart salute, which the colonel returned. Tripp walked over and opened the door, and the colonel strode out of the office.

“I’m sorry that happened,” Thomas said as soon as the men were gone. “I assure you I had no idea.”

Forcing down her fear for Bran, Jessie’s anger solidified into an iron resolve. “I want that exhumation, Thomas. How soon can it be arranged?”

“I’m not sure.”

“I want it done no later than tomorrow. A man’s life depends on it.” Turning, Jessie walked out of the office. She didn’t bother to close the door.

* * *

Jessie didn’t call Ty. He had two kids who needed him, and she really didn’t know Colt Wheeler. She had Brandon’s .38 revolver back in the room, and God only knew what other weapons were in his gear bag. If someone came after her, she could protect herself.

She refused to let her mind stray to Ray Cummings. Cummings had no idea where to find her. The help she needed was for Bran. That help was in Dallas. As soon as she reached her car, Jessie phoned Chase Garrett.

“Chase, it’s Jessie Kegan.” She swallowed and tried to stop trembling.

“Jessie. What’s going on?”

“Brandon’s in trouble, Chase. We both are.” Her voice broke. “We really need your help.”

His worried tone shifted to hard-edged and focused. “Is your phone safe?”

“It’’s a throwaway.”

“Where are you?”

“Fort Carson. Getting ready to drive back to the Broadmoor Hotel where we’ve been staying.” Her throat tightened. “They arrested Brandon for treason, Chase. It’s just some made-up charge to get him in a cell so they can kill him.” Tears clouded her eyes. “Oh, God.”

“Listen to me, Jessie. I’ll be there as fast as I can. I’ll be bringing all the help we need. All right?”

She nodded though he couldn’t see her. “Okay.”

“Will you be safe until I can get there?”

“I’ve got Bran’s revolver and I know how to shoot. I’ll be all right. But Brandon—”

“If anyone can take care of himself, it’s Bran. Just get to your hotel room and lock the door. Don’t let anyone in, and don’t go out until I get there, understand?”


“Everything’s going to be all right. I’ll be there in a few hours.” The line went dead.

Jessie held on to the phone a few seconds longer, a lifeline to the brother she trusted to do everything in his power to help them. From the base, she drove back to the hotel, went up to the third floor, and locked herself in the suite.

She took the revolver out of Bran’s gear bag and set it on the dining table next to her computer. Bran’s laptop was set up, too, and he had internet access.

They had gone to Tripp that morning to present information Copyright 2016 - 2024