The Ultimate Betrayal - Kat Martin Page 0,95

to have an excuse to let him out early. They’re handing out shorter sentences. Hell, they aren’t even collecting bail in some places. Just writing the goddamned criminals up at the station, then letting them go.”

“Yeah, well they let the wrong guy go this time. Cummings broke into Ms. Kegan’s apartment and left her a threatening message.”

“Be careful with the note. Maybe we can get his prints.”

“Maybe. Unfortunately, she lives in the city not the county so it’s not your jurisdiction.”

“I’ll call it in. I’ve got friends in the Denver PD. I’ll find someone I know to take the case.”

“Thanks, Galen.”

“Do us all a favor and try not to contaminate the crime scene.” Galen hung up the phone.

Twenty minutes later a knock came at the door. A tall, thin detective with ebony skin and very dark eyes took their statements. His name was D’Marco Porter, and he projected the kind of confidence Bran respected. Porter took a look at the Valentine’s card and the window and called in the CSIs to check for prints.

“We’ll bring Cummings in for questioning,” the detective promised. “See what he has to say.”

“Thank you,” Jessie said.

“If his prints turn up on the card or in your apartment, he’ll be arrested. In the meantime, I have contact information on both of you. I’ll keep you updated on our progress.”

It wasn’t enough to suit Bran, who wanted the bastard’s head separated from his shoulders. But for the time being it would have to do.

Leaving the police with a key to Jessie’s apartment, Bran drove the rental car south on I-25 to Cutter Aviation, the executive airport in Colorado Springs where he had left Jessie’s Honda for their ill-fated plane ride to San Diego.

He used his bug detector to make sure no new GPS trackers had been planted on the car, and they headed for town. Jessie remained quiet all the way. She hadn’t said two words since they had left Denver.

“You gonna be okay?” Bran asked as they walked into their latest quarters. Hoping it would cheer her, he had booked a suite on the third floor of the Broadmoor, one of the finest hotels in Colorado. It wasn’t cheap, but it had the added benefits of top-rate security and gourmet food.

“I’m all right,” Jessie said. “At the moment, at least, Cummings doesn’t know where I am. Maybe the police will find his prints and it’ll be enough to get him thrown back in prison.”

Bran clamped down on a rush of anger that had his back teeth clenching. “Yeah, maybe.” But life was never that easy.

“In the meantime, I need to stay focused on why we’re here.”

No arguing with that.

They took a few minutes to get settled in the suite, which was as elegant as it looked on the internet, with a fireplace in the living room, a four-poster bed, and views of the mountains. He could tell Jessie liked it, and Bran liked making her happy. He just hoped to hell he could continue to keep her safe.

They used the balance of the afternoon to put their latest plan in motion, first calling Tabby to run the idea past her, then Charles Frazier. With Petrov and Graves out of the picture and no immediate threat to his family, Frazier agreed to a conference call between the four of them. Tabby and Frazier, communicating in computer-speak, came up with a fresh approach, and Frazier agreed to take another look at the Alamo Depot computers.

Someone had managed to hide the theft of the weapons for two full weeks before Frazier had discovered it. Using Tabby’s suggestions, maybe something would pop that would help them.

At the end of what had turned into a long, exhausting day, Bran ordered room service instead of going downstairs for something to eat. He felt like he was ass-deep in alligators. They still hadn’t found a way to nail Holloway, and until they did, they were in danger. The second batch of munitions still hadn’t been located, and now there was Ray Cummings.

Bran almost wished that prick would come for Jessie so he could personally eliminate one of their problems.

Instead, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to bed. At least there was one mission he could accomplish before the night came to an end.

* * *

Jessie told herself she should stop him. Letting Bran make love to her was only going to make things harder when they parted. But the heat of his mouth, the way their lips melded so perfectly Copyright 2016 - 2024