The Ultimate Betrayal - Kat Martin Page 0,93

but in the job he had chosen, he faced that same sort of peril every day. Using the harshest means possible to get answers from a suspect didn’t bother him. She knew he had killed men in the past, and under the right circumstances would do it again without remorse.

She understood that men like him were necessary to society, but she didn’t think she could handle a long-term relationship with a man like that.

On the other hand, Bran had never said anything about his feelings or that he was interested in any sort of permanent relationship. Which meant, one way or another, she was destined for heartbreak.

She forced her mind back to the problems at hand, finished packing and returned to the living room. Just watching the confident, quiet strength of Bran’s movements as he crossed the room made her want him.

She needed to be more careful, find a way to separate her body’s physical need for him from the need that was building in her heart.

She wondered if there was the slightest chance she would succeed.


Bran chartered a plane for their trip back to Colorado. Which allowed him to bring his weapons and gear without the hassle of security at a big international airport. Since Jessie wanted to check on her apartment, they were flying into Denver and driving south, but he couldn’t get a flight scheduled until the next day.

It was early afternoon when the pilot landed at the Signature Executive Terminal at the Denver Airport, where Bran had a rental car waiting. He drove straight to Jessie’s downtown apartment, figuring she had been gone so long and so much had happened the odds of anyone surveilling the building were slim.

“Nice place,” he said as he prowled the living room while Jessie went in to pack fresh clothes. The weather was changing, getting colder every day. Today the temperature hovered in the low fifties, low thirties predicted for tonight. Snow had already fallen a couple of times, though it had mostly melted.

He glanced around the apartment, his size making it feel even smaller than it actually was. She had done a good job, used bright colors to liven up the inexpensive beige sofa and chair that looked more comfortable than the outrageously expensive furniture in his exclusive high-rise condo. The pastel-colored pillows on the sofa matched watercolor paintings of flowers on the walls and gave the place a homey feel.

Tugging her carry-on behind her, she walked out of the bedroom in a yellow turtleneck sweater, dark blue jeans, and her ankle boots. She had plaited her hair into the intricate braid that always made him want to pull it apart and run his fingers through it, spread the silky mass around her shoulders.

His groin tightened as he thought about stripping her naked and making love to her in the white wrought iron bed in her bedroom—as if taking her there would somehow be staking his claim. It was definitely not the time for thoughts like that, but his body didn’t seem to agree.

He was in deep trouble with this woman. Deeper than he ever imagined. Funny thing was, for the first time in his life, he didn’t care.

She surveyed the wilted philodendron on a white wrought iron stand against the wall. “My plants all died.” She sighed. “I never had much of a green thumb, anyway, but with Hallie coming by to water them, I thought they might stand a chance.”

“When this is over, I’ll buy you some new ones.” Unless he could convince her to move to Dallas, into his condo. Then he could buy them for her there.

The thought only half surprised him. It hadn’t taken him long to realize he wanted Jessie in his bed. It had taken a while longer to figure out he wanted her for more than just sex. He wanted her in his life, wanted the chance to make it work for both of them.

He looked at her and his resolve strengthened. He was Delta. When a man had a goal, he went after it. He just had to figure out how to achieve his mission objective.

“Let me make sure I’ve got everything I need, and I’ll be ready to go,” Jessie said.

While she finished up, he checked in with his friend Ty Folsom, who also lived in Denver.

“Thought I’d let you know we’re still breathing,” Bran said.

“Glad you called. We were worried.”

“We?” he asked.

“Me and Hallie. We’ve been spending a lot of time together.” Bran could hear the smile in Copyright 2016 - 2024