The Ultimate Betrayal - Kat Martin Page 0,51

number checked out. Belongs to a white Toyota Camry, but her address is in San Diego, California. Apparently, Mara never changed the registration when she moved to Colorado.”

“Or maybe San Diego is still her primary location.”

“We’ll find out,” Bran said. “I also talked to my brothers, Chase and Reese. They tend to get cranky if I don’t check in once in a while.”

She took a sip of coffee. “So what did your brothers have to say?”

“Chase said not to worry about the plane and to call if I needed any help. I told him at the moment we’re better off keeping things on the down-low.”

“And Reese? He’s the middle brother, right?”

“Reese just said to let him know if I needed anything—he’s a genius at getting things done. Said to stay safe and he’d see me at Thanksgiving if not before.”

Thanksgiving. October had turned into November. The holidays were coming. Jessie glanced away, suddenly missing her family. Her brother was gone, now her dad. She had lost her mom some years back, but she still missed her. She hoped Bran knew how lucky he was to have a family who cared about him so much.

She heard the chair scrape as he rose to his feet, then his arms slipped around her. “I told you you’re invited to Thanksgiving dinner.”

She smiled a bit sadly. “I know and I appreciate the offer. I’ll be fine. It’s just...thinking about your brothers makes me miss my family.”

“Yeah, I get that. Sometimes I think about my mom and dad. I’m lucky to have Chase and Reese.”

“Yes, you are.”

Bran kissed the top of her head and let her go. Missing the warmth, she reached for her coffee mug and took a sip. “So are we going after this guy, Tank?”

“Seems like the best option at the moment.”

“According to Digger Graves, Tank is supposed to be in Denver. We can stay at my apartment if you don’t mind being a little cramped. My friend Hallie has been watering my plants, but I could really use some clean clothes.”

“Might be risky. There’s a chance they’ll be staking your place out.”

Her shoulders slumped. “It’s possible, I suppose. But I’ve only been home off and on for weeks. Hallie’s never mentioned any problems, and I can’t imagine they’re just hanging around in case I show up.”

“We’ll check it out. If it looks okay, we can at least go in long enough for you to get some clothes.”


“We also need more info on Mara Ramos.”

Jessie had talked to Agent Tripp, but according to him, Mara’s social security number and personal information at the time of her visit to the prison had all checked out. Since then she had moved away, and they had no way to contact her. Bran had gotten lucky with the apartment manager. Now Tabby had tracked Ramos’s plates to California.

“Maximum Security has an office in San Diego,” Bran said. “I’ll call one of the PIs, have him check, see if Ramos showed up at her old address.”

Bran’s phone signaled just then. Jessie set her empty mug on the kitchen counter. “I’ll hit the shower while you answer the call.”

He flashed her a hot look that held a trace of disappointment. Jessie laughed as she disappeared into the bedroom, leaving Bran to answer his cell.


The caller ID read Jailbird. Bran chuckled. Tyler Folsom. Same name as the prison in California made famous by Johnny Cash. Ty was one of the SF Airborne guys at Fort Carson that Bran had texted with photos of Petrov and Graves.

He pressed the phone against his ear. “Hey, Ty. You get my text?”

“Reason I called, bro. Saw them looking for you on the news. That guy in the photo, Petrov, is dead. Sheriff is looking for you as a person of interest. Figured I’d see if you needed some help.”

“Old news, my friend. I’m square with the law, at least for now.”

“If you haven’t heard, I’m out of the army. Didn’t re-up this last time.”

“No kidding. I figured you for a lifer.”

“That was my plan, but my sister and her husband got killed in a car wreck. Their two kids were in the car. Little nephew ended up in a wheelchair. And his sister, Sarah, is only four years old. Somebody had to raise them, and I figured it ought to be me.”

“That’s rough, man.”

“In some ways it’s great. I love those kids, and their grandmother has a ton of money. She insisted we move into the guesthouse on her estate in Denver. Dude, Copyright 2016 - 2024