The Tycoon's Baby Revelation - Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,9

tightly since her knees were about to give out on her. She’d just spent more money than she’d ever made in an entire year! She’d spent more money in one day than…!

“Can I help you ma’am?” the salesperson called out, running out of the store after her.

Sloane looked behind her, surprise in her eyes. “Oh, um…thank you!” she whispered, not sure how to handle someone offering to help her. Help? People didn’t really do that, did they? Not in her experience.

“My pleasure,” he replied, and she noticed his cheeks turn an interesting shade of pink. She didn’t really understand his reaction as she popped the trunk on her car.

“What’s all of this for?” he asked, lifting the printer, which was the biggest box and sliding it into her trunk. Unfortunately, Sloane had to push the three boxes of clothes out of the way. Storing their clothes in the trunk of her car was the only way she, Rayne, and Pepper could keep them from being stolen while they lived at the shelter.

“Oh, um…I was just hired by Starke Enterprises,” she explained, not sure if that was appropriate or not. Was her position a secret? Good grief, this was all so confusing!

The boy’s eyes widened. “Starke? As in Josh Starke?” the guy asked, pausing with the laptop in his hands.

“Um…yes?” she asked, shrugging slightly. “I don’t know much about the company yet, but…”

The guy straightened his shoulders, forgetting about the laptop still in his hands. “I’d love to work with that guy! He’s a genius! I mean, seriously a genius!”

Sloane blinked, not sure how to respond. “Well, um…I suppose that he’s a very smart man.” Although, she had absolutely no idea what the guy actually did for a living other than order her around. Which reminded her, she needed to contact her old boss at the restaurant and let him know that she wouldn’t be in tonight for her shift. She also needed to give Rayne and Pepper a head’s up that she would most likely be working late. She had no idea how long it would take to get all of this stuff set up. Glancing at her watch, she realized that it was after ten o’clock in the morning and she had so much she needed to get done. That list of items he’d given her this morning was long and she wasn’t sure how to get some of the tasks accomplished.

Taking the laptop from the guy, she stored it carefully into the trunk of her car. “Thank you so much for your help,” she said, glancing at the plastic name tag on his shirt, “Jeff. But I really have a lot to get done. Mr. Starke has a long list of action items for me.” She loaded the rest of the supplies, then straightened. “How about if I take your contact information and, if anything comes up that you might be able to help with, I’ll give you a call?” she offered.

Jeff flushed with excitement. “That would be awesome!” He pulled out a card and handed it to her. “Anything!” he assured her. “Anything at all!”

Sloane nodded, stuffing the card into her purse. “Thank you for your help, Jeff,” she repeated and smiled.

With that, she got back into her car and sighed with relief when the car started up on the first attempt. This morning, she’d had to wiggle some wires under the hood in order to get the engine to turn over. Unfortunately, she wasn’t exactly sure which wire-wiggling had helped, but it had finally started. Her morning ritual was to head out fifteen minutes before she needed to leave, just to get this old clunker started.

As she drove out of the parking lot of the computer store, she wondered what it would be like to drive that sleek, black Mercedes coup she’d seen in the parking lot this morning. It had been the only other car there, and it looked just as lethal as its owner.

Since she had the only cell phone between the three of her sisters, Sloane couldn’t easily send her sisters any messages. So instead, she drove back to the shelter and left her sisters’ a message on the bulletin board, letting them know that she’d be late and that she’d gotten the job. Then she’d driven back to the building and started setting things up. Laptop first, then she’d driven back to the store to get a cable so that she could connect to the internet. “Should have figured that one out,” Copyright 2016 - 2024