The Tycoon's Baby Revelation - Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,8

she skimmed through it, she realized that it was a non-disclosure agreement. A very thick, scary non-disclosure agreement!

What did he think she was going to reveal? She glanced around at the empty building and laughed, shaking her head. “Who am I going to tell?” she chuckled.

Sitting down on the metal chair, she considered her options. She could work for a disgusting, groping slob of a man who shunted all of his responsibilities off on her and didn’t give her any of the credit…or she could start figuring out how to build an office environment and, she glanced down at her cell phone with all of the other tasks he’d given her, and earn a living wage.

It was really a no-brainer. She’d work here just long enough to get experience, do the best damn job ever, then leave the bastard hanging, knowing that no one would ever be as good as she was in the role.

With determination, she fished the beaten-up pen out of her purse and filled out the forms. When that was done, she looked around, trying to figure out what to do next. Her next stop was a computer store. Or maybe an office supply store? Both, she thought.

Stepping into her car, she drove down the street to the nearest strip mall. Thankfully, there was an office supply store there that also sold computers. “Perfect!” she whispered, parking her old jalopy.

Stepping into the store, she looked around, immediately overwhelmed by the number of options. “Just one step at a time,” she whispered to herself.

“Can I help you?” one of the sales representatives asked as Sloane walked down the row of laptops on display.

She looked up at the guy, noting his acne and greasy hair as well as his bored expression while his gaze swept over her dime-store clothing.

Annoyed at being dismissed as unworthy, Sloane squared her shoulders. “I need a computer with…” and she spouted off her requirements, including extra memory, extra fast processing speed, the ability to enable a hot spot internet connection, and a few other extras. Sloane had originally thought to purchase the bare minimum of computers, just enough to get her started, not wanting to spend another person’s money pointlessly. But her instincts took over and Sloane suspected that she’d need the additional processing speed in order to keep up with her new boss.

“I’ll also need an ultra-light weight tablet that can hold scheduling software and notes with ease.” She’d also need to stock up on office supplies, she thought, but that could wait until after she’d gotten through the tech issues.

As she spoke, the guy’s shoulders straightened and his eyes lit up. “Yes ma’am!” he replied, and moved over to one of the highest priced laptops and started explaining the features. Once she’d selected a computer, he brought her to the tablet area and went through the same ritual, asking a lot of questions because she simply wasn’t aware of the various options available on a tablet. She figured the only way she was going to learn was to ask, and being shy about her lack of knowledge was pointless. After selecting a tablet, Sloane loaded up her cart with a printer/scanner/fax machine, papers, pens, stapler, and a few other items.

Then she moved towards the cash register. For the first time since stepping into the store, she hesitated, wondering what the spending limit was on the credit card. The cashier rung everything up, then announced her total. “Yikes!” she whispered, unaware she said it out loud. “I don’t know the limit on this card, so…?” she shrugged.

The guy looked at her warily, then down at all of the supplies. “I’ll need to see a picture ID,” he warned.

Sloane understood, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed feeling like a criminal. Whipping out her wallet and ignoring her embarrassed cringe when the pleather spine on her wallet ripped just a bit further, the guy compared her name and picture against the name on the credit card. With a nod, he ran the card through the machine while Sloane waited, her breath caught in her lungs as she anticipated seeing “declined” on the little screen.

When “approved” popped up onto the register, Sloane let out that breath slowly, shocked that it had actually worked. She’d just spent over five thousand dollars on office equipment and computer stuff! Dear heaven! She’d never in her life spent that much money!

As Sloane pushed the cart filled with stuff out of the store, she gripped the handle of the metal cart Copyright 2016 - 2024