The Tycoon's Baby Revelation - Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,23

with him many times over the past eight years. In the beginning, when he was still working to build up his investment company, they’d flown by commercial airlines, although he demanded that she book both of them in the first class cabin. The first time she’d booked a flight for the two of them, she’d booked him a seat in first class, but she’d taken a seat in the economy class, thinking to save him money. Boy, he’d been livid after that flight and ordered her to never do that again. He ordered her to sit next to him during the flights so that they could work together, although he usually sat beside her silently studying data or reading reports.

But about six years ago, he’d told her to buy a private jet for their travels. She’d been flabbergasted, and hadn’t realized that he was serious. It had taken several more conversations with him to convince her that he was serious. So now he traveled in the even more exclusive realm of personal flights and had hired his own pilot and co-pilot, both of which earned a great deal of flight time in his employ.

Peering out the window, she saw that the flight attendant was standing beside the stairs, chatting casually with the pilot as they waited for the limousine to pull up. “What did you do?” she hissed, almost afraid of the answer.

“No way!” Pepper exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she realized they were finally flying on Josh’s private jet.

Rayne’s response was less vocal, but no less surprised. “Are we really…?” she asked, trying to be polite as she leaned forward, peering out the window.

The driver pulled to a stop right in front of the stairs that had been pushed up against the jet and Pepper and Rayne jumped out, eager for their next adventure.

Sloane lingered in the limousine, shaking her head. “This is too much, Josh!” she hissed, furious with him for spending so much money. And touched.

He stepped out, and ducked down to look back in at her, laughing at Sloane’s mulish expression. “Get on the plane, Sloane,” he ordered in a smooth, patient voice.

She stepped out of the limousine, shaking her head. “You’re outrageous! The dinner and limousine were extravagant enough. Anything more is out of the question!”

Josh turned his head, looking over as Rayne and Pepper practically danced over to the short flight of stairs before disappearing into the luxurious cabin of the plane.

“Sloane, I’m taking your sisters to celebrate this monumental milestone. You can either get on the plane and come with us, and celebrate your own success, by the way, or the driver will take you back to your house. It’s your choice. I just thought,” he paused slightly, “that you’d like to be around to protect your younger sisters as they travel this weekend.”

She held her breath, her thoughts warring with her innate frugality and her innate need to protect her sisters by being by their side. “Fine!” she muttered angrily. “But you’re in big trouble!” she warned, then turned and stalked onto the plane. The flight attendant had already handed Pepper and Rayne glasses of champagne.

But Sloane didn’t want to be the wet blanket. Her sisters had both graduated and, on Monday morning, would start their new jobs. What harm could one outrageous weekend do?

The flight attendant handed out blankets as the plane leveled off after takeoff. And since they’d all had a crazy day, filled with laughter, tears, and unexpected emotions, they quickly nodded off. Sloane showed them how to extend their chairs for sleeping, and pulled the blanket over her legs, slipping off her shoes and trying to rest herself.

Josh had gone into the private bedroom in the back soon after the plane took off. She knew that he’d probably make several phone calls and tried to keep her eyes open, just in case he needed her. But he didn’t call out to her. She snuggled deeper into the lush cushions of the chair, trying to fall asleep because she was truly exhausted. But something kept niggling at her, although, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Josh had said something. Something important. Her eyes drifted closed in the dim light of the cabin and the soft, smooth sounds of the plane’s engines lulled her even more. Eventually, her exhaustion won out and she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chapter 7

Monaco! Josh had flown the three of them to Monaco!

She glared at him as the limousine drove Copyright 2016 - 2024