The Tycoon's Baby Revelation - Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,13

explained, and smiled as if he grasped a secret. “I think I understand why.”

There was a long moment of silence and Sloane could hear the indecision pinging between her and her sisters. “Why?” Sloane finally demanded, asking the question they were all thinking.

Jefferson shifted, standing up slightly and smothering his amusement. “Well, let’s just say that I have a sixth sense about people. It’s part of the reason for my success, and let’s leave it at that, shall we?”

“I don’t think…!”

The man frowned unrelentingly at them. “The rent is five hundred dollars, which I will put into a retirement fund for each of you and will ensure that the money is invested properly. The rent is pointless to me, but I invest in people. I suspect that the three of you will go far in this world.” He looked directly at Sloane. “Take the house and come up to my place for dinner.” With that, he turned around and headed towards the pathway that lead to a line of trees. “I’ll expect you at six!” he called over his shoulder, not waiting for an answer.

Wilma waved to them and followed the older man without another word.

Sloane, Pepper, and Rayne watched until the duo disappeared into the woods. Sloane turned to her sisters.

Sighing, she rubbed her forehead, not sure what to do. “What do you think?” Sloane asked.

Rayne stood with her arms folded over her stomach, contemplating the situation. Finally, she nodded firmly and looked at Sloane, then at Pepper. “I trust him,” she announced.

Sloane and Pepper stared at Rayne in surprise. “You never trust anyone,” Pepper whispered in awe, a slow smile making her blue eyes glow.

“It’s settled then,” Sloane decided with a firm nod. “We’ll live here until we figure out what the catch is.” She turned to face her sisters. “But we live frugally, saving up every penny we can! We’re not going to be caught without money again!” she told them forcefully.

Pepper and Rayne nodded in full agreement. “We’ll all work, earning money however we can,” Pepper assured her.

Rayne linked arms with her sisters. “I bet I could get some babysitting jobs around here,” she announced, their positive attitudes coming back to give them a small glimmer of hope. Then they moved over to the car and each lugged their box of clothes out of the trunk and up the narrow stairs.

Chapter 3

Sloane pulled into the parking lot early the following morning, looking around warily but not seeing the sleek Mercedes. Breathing a sigh of relief, she shoved against the door of her car. “Ouch!” she muttered, rubbing her shoulder. But for once, the jammed car door didn’t bother her. Because for the first time in more than six months, she’d gotten a full eight hours of sleep.

“Mr. Starke, brace yourself!” she whispered as she strode purposely into the building.

Thankfully, keys had been included in that envelope on her first day here, so she could get into the building without him, plus she locked it during the day when she was here alone. Looking around, she bit her lip, trying to determine what needed to get accomplished first. Desks, she thought. Not desks for the whole building, but desks for herself and for her boss. She had a computer now, but needed somewhere to put it!

“You’re early!” a voice growled behind her.

Sloane spun around. “Mr. Starke! What are you doing here so early?”

“I’m always here this early and call me Josh. I hate formality. Now explain to me what you’re doing here this early.”

Sloane pressed her lips together, shifting her feet impatiently. “Yesterday, you told me that I was late when I arrived one minute after eight o’clock. Today, you’re angry because I’m early.” She started to say something more, but smothered the sarcastic comment. “I’m ready to work. And my first thought is that we need desks.” She pulled a notebook out of her purse and pen, which she’d bought yesterday at the office store. “Can you tell me how many employees you anticipate hiring?”

“At least fifty to start. Once they are working efficiently, then I’ll expand.”

She wrote that down, then looked up at him. “And what’s the style of furniture that you’d like for your office?”

“Clean. But hire a decorator to get things in.”

She blinked in surprise. “Won’t that be expensive?”

He chuckled and something inside of her tightened at the sound. She ignored her reaction and focused on his next words. “I’m a wealthy man, Sloane. And I’m determined to become even wealthier. I’ll need Copyright 2016 - 2024