Two Truths & a Lime (The Love Game #3) - Elizabeth Hayley Page 0,90

about his fake wedding. He just texted me a bunch of nonsense about loving me and being sorry and how much easier life was on the road.”

“On the road?” Sophia said. “He’s not Kerouac. He’s an entitled monster who used our parents’ credit card to flit across Europe.”

Aamee rolled her eyes. “Do you ever wake up and think, you know what? For once I’m going to be helpful instead of being a callous smartass.”

This time, it was Sophia’s turn to hesitate before replying, except her answer was a resounding, “No.”

“Where is he?” I asked in an attempt to redirect the conversation.

“At his place, listening to Celine Dion and eating Cheetos.”

“That actually sounds like an awesome evening,” Sophia said.

“Your life is so sad,” Aamee uttered, as if she were genuinely concerned for the state of Sophia’s existence.

I rubbed my forehead with my hand. Brody’s sham wedding to Vee was the next day. I’d given him the night off because I figured he’d need the night to get his game face on. But evidently, all I’d done was give him time to harp on how badly this was all going to blow up in his face eventually.

I couldn’t help but feel bad for what Brody was going through. Ultimately, he’d told the lie to help us, even though it would probably only make our lives harder. It also wasn’t the best idea for us to start any kind of business partnership with his dad when a lie was hanging over us. But what was done was done, and we’d figure it out. We always had before.

“Tell him to head over here. We’ll see who else is still up and hang out for a bit. Try to calm him down.”

Aamee scrunched up her face. “But we’re closing soon.”

“We also work here,” I said with a smile.

She returned it as she said, “Okay,” and walked away with her phone up to her ear. Then, “Brody, get your ass out of bed, put on normal pants, and come to the Yard.”

I looked at Sophia. “Which pants are his not normal ones?”

“I think it’s best if we never find out.”

I nodded in agreement, gave her one more gentle kiss, and pulled away. “I’m going to start closing procedures so we can relax when Brody gets here. You wanna text the others and see who’s up for hanging out?”

“On it,” she said as she fished her phone out of her pocket.

I did a lap of the seating area, picking up some stray cups I saw, but for the most part, the serving team had done a good job of keeping things in order. I deposited what little I’d accumulated in the trash can behind the bar and then moved over to where Xander was mixing a drink.

“We’re going to hang out here for a bit after closing. Brody’s panicking about the wedding tomorrow.”

Xander laughed. “I don’t blame him. Getting married in front of your entire family is nerve-racking when it’s not fake.”

I grunted in response, wondering if I’d be nervous to marry Sophia. I didn’t think so. When I imagined it, I always thought I’d be too happy to feel anything else. Proposing, though… The prospect of putting myself out there and having her potentially turn me down was a little daunting.

“So you gonna hang with us?” I asked.

Xander shrugged. “Sure. It’s not like I have anywhere else to be.”

It was such a Xander response, but there was a tinge of loneliness mixed in that made my heart pang for my friend.

I told the rest of the staff that it had calmed down enough for them to close down whatever checks they still had open and head home. Xander and I could take care of anyone else who wanted a drink at last call.

Aamee sighed in relief and sank into a chair as the others settled tabs before clocking out, waving their goodbyes, and disappearing into the night. I felt bad telling them to leave while a select few of us stayed behind and unwound with a few drinks, but it was what it was.

Brody was like a brother to me, and if he needed some Scooby Gang time to get out of his head for a while, then I was going to do whatever I could to help.

Vee and Brody showed up just as the last of our customers were leaving. They sat at the bar with Aamee, and Xander made them drinks. Carter arrived not long after, and a few minutes after him came Taylor.

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